OK episode - didn't seem like a very original plot to me - like many have said, kinda like "Stoned Cold" but in college.
And the fact that all this affected the girl that much that she would turn to suicide...her parents should've gotten her some help b/c it was way more than the sorority girls going on there.
I really enjoyed the Ryan/Calleigh scene in the beginning with the horses. Ryan was very funny and cute in his concern for Cal too. Cal was awesome w/the horse, but she as a bit cold around Ryan for my taste. I much preferred the way she was in her scene with Nat - I miss the "way to cheerful" Cal of the past
Maybe all these years have hardened her like they have H, but I do like it when her lighter personality comes out.
Ryan was hysterical in this ep., but I cannot stand Sam. She is sucking up way too much airtime. (more on that later...)
The plot was old, and the acting was...meh. Although at one point, during one of the sorority flashbacks, I was like, "Hey, I used to love that song!" ("Steal My Sunshine"
). :lol:
The death by tanning machine and near suicide were both very scary moments. I was kinda hoping H would NOT save the day, simply b/c I'm sick of him always coming to the rescue and would rather have seen him deal with her death and his inability to save her. I think that would've been more interesting, even though I"m not sure TPTB could pull it off. I'd rather H not be able to save her, but maybe have some of the team gather around him or give him a pep talk or something. Right now H has ZERO CHEMISTRY with his team and seems more concerned about strangers than people that he has known and worked closely with for A DECADE. :wtf:
I don't like the character of Sam either BUT I think last time TPTB tried a 'romance' with an unknown girl everyone complained 'who is she and the relationship progressed much too fast"??(meaning H & marisol's whirlwind courtship-does 1 cuban dinner count?)...I think this is all to set a stage so Ryan is like falling for her being around her and all so then when they find out she's married or engaged then it'll be a true emotional let down for him..maybe all this screentime of her is to show background and to set it up for Ryan to show his feelings hurt..
OK - for the record (again), I did NOT like the Marisol thing b/c it did seem so contrived. They did try to introduce Marisol to eps here and there, but IMHO the reason it didn't work was b/c of the plot and her age, not b/c of her lack of screen time.
I wish TPTB would scrap all this romance stuff - then there'd be no need to introduce new characters as love interests or triangles - and they could just focus on the characters we actually LIKE and are INVESTED IN - THE TEAM!