Episode 10x10 - 'Long Gone' - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

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Blue must be 'in' in Miami this season. :)

I gave it an A. I thought it was one of the better of the season.

My only complaint was that I thought it ended too suddenly; I wanted to at least see another scene with the rescued members of the family.

Yay for badass Horatio and Frank :devil:

The storyline with Officer Delarenzo and Frank was excellent and believable. I really felt sorry for Frank. Also liked the scene with Natalia and Samantha. You could see the little green monster eating at her when Sam was bragging about her firearm skills.

A very good episode and I think the next one will be terrific also.
I gave it a B+ but saw better episodes. I did enjoy the team share time. Frank was wonderful as usual. He seemed so sad when Delorenzo died right there with him. That was hard to watch.

Wolfie saying Delko gets pissy was funny to me. :guffaw:

I was a bit surprised to see the daughter's boyfriend being a bad guy. And the father selling drugs because he lost his job. That had to be a difficult decision to make. And I am glad the mother got help before a coma happened. The family seemed so nice and that creep who hid the cocaine loved the entire family's suffering.

Still not sure what I think of Sam but for now, I am suspicious of her. Looks like many of us here don't care for her. Oh well.

That's all I can think of for now. Next week will be interesting and I hate beauty pagents. Except for Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality LOL :guffaw:
I should rewatch this eppy, cuz now I can't say I like it or not.

I like Nat-Sam scene. I start believing she's really someone's mole - that would be great.
Sam-Ryan scene is lovely too - she's right - he can't know her looks cuz they haven't worked together long enough:lol:
Drug-store robbing is great - desperate attempt to save his family.

But the whole story is a bit far-fetched. A family man almost out of the blue became a local drug-dealer. Yes, I got he's lost his job so has some money issues. It wasn't like he wanted some extra cash BUT is that so easy ethically and technically?
Mother dying of asthma is too sobby for me. In the end Horatio fussing around while paramedic was reviving her was odd and unnecessary
I gave it a B - although that was a little generous. Although I haven't been very focused when watching lately, I guess I'm just not that into it.

I felt nothing when the guy that we knew nothing about died. It was obvious that the character was written in, solely for that purpose. It doesn't feel real when characters that we see every week, take the death personal, when we've never seen them interact or even talk with the aforementioned dead-man-walking.

The teasers written about the episodes always make the episode sound more exciting... more personal. However I am always let down when I feel disconnected the characters and they stories... especially when the following week, all is forgotten.

I DID like the interactions between Sam and Natalia, mainly because of the consistency and what appears to be an actual story-arch. If nothing amounts from this, I will be extremely frustrated and let down... although I don't know why, shame on me for expecting anything in the character development department.

This season has our CSIs being simply that, CSIs... maybe once an episode each is thrown a line to remind us that they are some what human... and to remind us that they do have history with one another... but other than that, the show wouldn't be all that different if each week the CSIs were played by different actors.

And don't even get me started on Horatio...
Good episode, as always. :) But I was kind of falling asleep halfway through, not because it was boring me, because I was at a part all day long.

What ever happened to that guy that Horatio and Frank went to beat up? Was he shown after they beat him up? Lol, anyhow I love that Horatio's vigilante site is back, muahahahaha! :devil:
I think this is the episode I've liked the most this season. Gave it a B+. It had a shared intensity between the characters which I thought was a good job from the director. There were some nice scenes between the characters and I kept wondering what exactly was up with the girl's boyfriend. I really liked the screentime Frank got and how involved he was with the storyline of the cop dying. Though it was pretty obvious the guy was there simply to get killed off.

I loled at Ryan getting into the car and then Eric going "You wanna get out?" while he was pushing. :lol:

That was a funny moment. Definitely a good one between Ryan and Eric.

Also liked the scene with Natalia and Samantha. You could see the little green monster eating at her when Sam was bragging about her firearm skills.

I wasn't exactly sure what Eva was trying to convey in that scene. At first I thought Natalia was jealous, but then I thought that seemed pretty petty. Then I thought maybe we are supposed to start suspecting Sam of something and that's why she has that weird expression, so we know something is off. Then I read posts here saying some thought Natalia just doesn't like her. But she was actually being very nice to her before Sam starting telling her about her accomplishments so I'm just kind of confused with the scene. I'm sticking to she was annoyed and a little jealous (because Natalia did have a tough time with the firearm permit) and we are supposed to suspect something.

But the whole story is a bit far-fetched. A family man almost out of the blue became a local drug-dealer. Yes, I got he's lost his job so has some money issues. It wasn't like he wanted some extra cash BUT is that so easy ethically and technically?

This was what I definitely didn't like about the episode. Did it really have to be drug related? Plus how does a regular joe simply acquires the connections to be a drug dealer so fast?? Bit far-fetched.

Oh and Horatio going rough once more wasn't appreciated :shifty:. Also the end was definitely abrupt.
To me, the most solid part of this episode was Officer Delarenzo and Frank. You can clearly see the emotion Frank has over losing him. It is great to see Rex Tripp finally be given more and more of a chance to shine.
The rest of the episode though..reminded me of the Gum Drops episode from CSI.
A father who is involved in the drug trade puts his family in danger. I can't have sympathy for the dad. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and losing your job doesn't give you the right to engage in illigal activity.
This was a pretty good episode. It kept me interested throughout.

Random Thoughts:

Good to see Ryan and Eric working together without being at each other's throats.

There must have been some complaining about Walter's sceentime because his was seemingly decreased and Eric and Ryan's increased--at least for this eppie.

Natalia+Sam=not a good mix. Natalia looked as if she wanted to pull out Sam's hair. Not sure how I feel about Sam yet; could go either way.

"Eric gets pissy":lol::guffaw:

I have always loved Horatio's concern for his team.

It is good to see Calleigh back in action. How she can move in those heels. I would break an ankle.

Good to see the second eppie in a row where we get to see Frank emote. I really felt his pain when Officer Delorenzo died. Kudos to Rex:thumbsup:

Thought the father was a bit of a putz. Didn't want to see him die though.

I am enjoying Ryan's more mature approach to his job.

I thought both Jon and Adam did a fine job when discussing Delorenzo's death.

I don't like children's pagents at all, but it looks like an interesting eppie.
I missed some of the episode because I went outside to check on the dogs and it took longer than usual because it was raining and I had to tread carefully... so I'll have to watch the episode later today to see what I missed. I missed the Nat/Sam stuff and the Eric/Ryan car part and the cop's death and Eric telling Ryan about it. So I missed a lot it would seem LOL.
I didn't intend to watch the episode because I wanted to go to bed early, but then I got hungry, so I watched most of it (I missed the first 20 minutes).

Kind of a blah episode. I did like seeing Ryan and Eric's scene in the garage, and Calleigh and Eric's scene at the end. Frank was pretty awesome, as usual.

The scene with the daughter yelling at the boyfriend made me giggle. The flailing arms and "WHERE ARE THEYYYY?" crying-yelling was straight out of Bad Acting 101. It's amazing, for all the people who want to be actors, surely they could've found someone that was somewhat less terrible.
I don't know why but I had an almost deja vu to the ending...wondering what was going thru Horatio's mind as the son lovingly held his mom after all they went thru together and the look of gratitude on the boy's face as he saw his mom breathing again...wonder if Horatio was having memories of holding his mom in his arms? if that is how it all played out years ago? it just seemed like H was really affected by it ...the rest of the episode was good and it was nice to see how solemn and serious all the officers were escorting a fallen police officer..the drive away with the cop killer was not unexpected-just Tripp not having to say anything to H about what was about to happen..hope there wasn't any witnesses I guess?
I missed some of the episode because I went outside to check on the dogs and it took longer than usual because it was raining and I had to tread carefully... so I'll have to watch the episode later today to see what I missed. I missed the Nat/Sam stuff and the Eric/Ryan car part and the cop's death and Eric telling Ryan about it. So I missed a lot it would seem LOL.
You missed pretty much the only good parts, in my opinion, lmao.
This season has our CSIs being simply that, CSIs... maybe once an episode each is thrown a line to remind us that they are some what human... and to remind us that they do have history with one another... but other than that, the show wouldn't be all that different if each week the CSIs were played by different actors.

Oh, yes yes yes. Spot on. No storylines for any of the characters, no character development, no team interaction and no continuity. Where this is going and why it happens, I wonder.
No storylines for any of the characters, no character development, no team interaction and no continuity. Where this is going and why it happens, I wonder.
The team interaction has been somewhat better. There has been no character development for several of the characters for several seasons, no continuity either,that's no different at all.Storylines have always been lopsided anyway,there was a problem providing storylines for all. If a better job can't be done giving all of the characters decent storylines,maybe it's easier for the writers not to do too many storylines for any of them.

maybe once an episode each is thrown a line to remind us that they are some what human... and to remind us that they do have history with one another.
And that's is still better than some previous seasons.
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Hopefully Kyle's return will bring a bit of character development for Horatio and more insight into that relationship.