Emily/Calleigh's Thread #6 'I Promise I've Been Good!'

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Im just saying "hi" back to her.

and showing some lovely pics i found of her:

And some from submerged:

and just another one:

great evening everybody love Emily :devil:
me neither, because i cant buy the wright one here in the netherlands. Im searcing all over the land but still dint find the movie yet. :(
OMG I was gonna say to all the Dutch Emily fans that 'family plan' is airing tonight, but...it's another version! 'Cause IMDb says the version with Emily is from 1998, and in my TV guide it says 2005. And there are other actors too! Now I'm feeling sad, I thought I could see Emily tonight.
Hello fellow Calleigh lovers!! First time on this thread, and I love Emily/Calleigh to pieces!

I need help, and I'm hoping that you guys could help me out. :D I have a few questions about Calleigh's character and background as I've never season S1 and S2 (well, a couple of epis on S2, but none that I could really remember). :(

1. Could someone please give me a list of the people (names and such) that Calleigh had been 'romantically' involved with on the show? (doesn't have to date them, but has shown an 'interest' in them like flirting with Peter Elliott, the FBI agent). I need everyone from S1 to S4.
2. Tell me what each of those men were like (character), how they met Calleigh, and how they hooked up if that info is available
3. How did they treat Calleigh? What was their relationship like? (and here you can speculate as to how Calleigh felt about them, heheh!)
4. How did they break up?
5. Calleigh's reactions to the breakup, etc.

I need details, and LOTS of it... I need this for a side 'project' I'm working on :devil: And if you guys could help me, that would be so awesome! Thanks & Much Calleigh love!!!
Does Emily Procter have a tattoo? Not Calleigh, I know she has one, but the actress. Thanks a lot :D :D :D

Shadowfax, I can only talk about John Hagen, 'cause I haven't seen s4. He's a detective (Like Frank Tripp). He was Raymond Caine's partner (They worked together). When Caine got in trouble he let him alone, that's why Horatio didn't like him a lot.

I don't know how he met Calleigh. The first thing about them that I remember is that Cal was working and Hagen wanted his case done first, so she got angry. Well, he was in some cases, mostly with Horatio, and he was always looking at her while she was working. Don't remember when but they started dating, one day he was looking for her 'cause she left her earring in his car while they were 'having fun' ;). He broke with him 'cause he said something bad about her father's problem (alcohol, of course) while they worked in a case one against the other.

If I remember more thing I'll tell you. :)
Welcome aboard goreshi, totally agree! :D
CW (=CalleighWolfe, it's shorter and I'm very lazy today ;) ): I don't know if Emily has a tattoo, but I think Leela could know it - but I haven't seen her here for a long while now, where are you? We miss you! :(
Besides Hagen there might be another one shadowfax, but we didn't get much information about it: it was in season 2, epi "Grand Prix", where Cal has to interrogate a racecar driver who was a bit suspicious but very charming, and after clearing him of suspicion he asked her out...but that's all :(
Sandersidle, watch season one's 'Forced Entry' again. Hi Shadowfax. I can't think of anyone but HAgen, Peter and maybe that racer guy. Unless you want me to go into the ships. :lol: Goreshi, you forgot sweet. Welcome!
Wasn't there also i guy that was a snipe shooter because that was in season 1 one epi where she and H went to with the epi over the snipe shooter on the roof.. Or did someone already called his name, then im sorry... But about the tatoo i dint know that what kind of tatoo is it. If someone knows that???
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