Emily/Calleigh's Thread #6 'I Promise I've Been Good!'

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I was watching 'Forced Entry' yesterday (loved how Calleigh didn't wanna microwave the hand) and Speedle mentioned her tattoo. Does anyone know what her tattoo was supposed to be and if she has one for real?

"You may be a lawyer, but I'm a CSI. A damn good one." :D
Getting back to The West Wing and the fabulousness of Ainsley/Emily: I've just found out that Ainsley becomes President Santos' White House Counsel- basically the Prez's lawyer. Now I really want Season 8!!!
Ow yeah, Dutchie I loved that scene too.. :D I watched it Tuesday on television but I've the dvd, so I can watch the scene over and over again :p And does anybody know where the tattoo is? :p
Dutchie you're right: where are all the Em/Cal-lovers?? Well, I think it's because of the summer break... great pics, Luna! Girl with gun - yeah!
I watched "Complications" yesterday, and Calleigh was so funny - bring it back next season, please!
Am I the only one that isn't going on holiday? I'm going working for three weeks, and uh...get bored and end up here the rest of the vacation. Which means that I'll probably be alone here... :(

I love the funny, happy, cheerful Calleigh, and I so want her back in the next season, preferably...*runs off to shipper thread to finish this sentence*

Preferably with a good story line, how about that? :D
I'm leaving next friday.. I'll be gone till the middle of august, so cinegirl and I are overlapping eachother :lol:
Hey folks!

Uploaded lots of Big Momma's House 2 dvd caps to our website :D

They're all really big, so I can't post a preview - but I made a banner for you to click *tehee*:

OMG Leela, I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying! :lol: I love her little dance in BMH2! :lol: Thanks for the awesome update!
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