Edit Your Post CSI Style

This post was edited because the "triangle" got it.

This post was edited because Ryan was worried about it.

This post was edited because Valera asked why Ryan didn't call her.

This post was edited because it was celebrating Greg's promotion with the rest of the team.
This post was edited because it's on a killing spree.
This post was edited because it had fake coins made.
This post was edited because there were no new episodes this week. :(
This post was edited because it was tied to the Empire State Building so that it wouldn't blow away. ;)
This post was edited because I can't see what I'm typing with my sunglasses on.

This post was edited because Greg's special blend poured all over it.

This post was edited because it exceeded the twenty question rule.
This post was edited because Nick wouldn't stop crying.

This post was edited because Catherine knew all along abou the edit.

This post was edited because Hank ate all the keys.
This post was edited because it inhaled too much insulation.
This post was edited because it was presumed guilty.
This post was edited because of a miscarriage of justice.
This post was edited because the party was over.
This post was edited because Adam shed tears.
This post was edited because it was visiting Calleigh in the hospital.
This post was edited because Ryan broke it's arm.
This post was edited because it claimed Ryan broke it's tail-light.
This post was edited because Ryan broke the case.
This post was edited because it went out for drinks with the Vegas team.
This post was edited because it had the blue flu.
Last edited:
This post was edited because it's laughing at Flack's snarky lines.

This post was edited because it had an eyeball fall into it's coffee this morning.

This post was edited because Sid is doing an autopsy on it.
This post was edited because Calleigh kissed it.
This post was edited because YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER!
This post was edited because its life is a lie.
This post was edited because it was hired to kill Eric.
This post was edited because it got punched in the face.
This post was edited because the INS is detaining it.
This post was edited because Ron Saris got blown up.
This post was edited because Calleigh couldn't breathe.
This post was edited because Eric lost his badge.
This post was edited because Wolfe got a nail in his eye.
This post was edited because Calleigh went for a run.
This post was edited because the cat ate the evidence.
This post was edited because Danny read The Green Lantern to it.
This post was edited because Brass' brother threw oatmeal at it.
The post has been edited because Mac and Stella are hot on it's trail.

This post has been edited because Horatio tried to shoot it.

The post has been edited because Hodges was annoying it again.
This post has been edited because it's dad was really a US citizen.

This post has been edited because Derek Powell was it's lawyer.
This post was edited because it was Nick's birthday.

This post was edited because it was comforting Nicky.

This post was edited because gross goo got in its face.
This post has been edited because it got electrocuted in a crawl space trying to steal money.

This post has been edited because Eric and Calleigh were kissing in front of it.

This post has been edited because Flack tried to arrest it.
This post was edited because it was living two lives.
This post was edited because Tara got hit in the head with a board.
This post was edited because Tara was seen taking the bottle of pills.
This post was edited because Horatio got it a place of its own.
This post was edited because it got pulled over for speeding.
This post was edited because Ryan was teasing the new guy.
This post was edited because Danny tipped it over in a cabinet and sat on it.

This post was edited because it tried to call Mac at 3:33am and the line was busy.

This post was edited because Mac had Danny set it on fire in the name of science.

This post was edited because Sid found an anomaly.

This post was edited because Sid ran out of synonyms for the word 'strange'.

THis post was edited because Stella shot it.

THis post was edited because Flack chased it down.