Eddie Picture Thread #2: Blue Lasers of Hotness!!

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does anyone else in here go off on fantasy tangents when they see an Eddie pic?? ::shrinks into corner:: I dont know whats wrong with me, the mans hott no doubt about it, but like right now...I'm fanning myself with a CD Case... (granted its 98 degrees out.. but its like 120 in my room now)...lol

I just want to jump him, if he we're mine, oh man, we'd never leave the bedroom... well, maybe, to eat or something, but he'd have to be nekkid, or in a towel..

Yes to all. :rolleyes: I too go off into fantasy land all the time. I have CSI:NY wallpaper on my computer at work and all I can see is Eddie & Carmine. So yes, I stay in fantasy land and I love it.

So, you're not gonna leave me down in the gutter all alone with Eddie?? :confused: I promise to take real good care of him. :devil:
tiqlado said:
crmscnnvstgtr101 said:
Hehe. Edible Eddie. :p

Crunchy on the outside, chewy on the inside. :D :devil: :D

Oh. My...
Most definitely. I was wondering what if they made candy or something that resembled Eddie? Weird.
1CSIMfan said:
csi_fanatic87 said:
Hehe. Edible Eddie.

:lol: Edible and tasty? Yeah, that's a good combo.

Where can I get some edible Eddie?? Good to the last drop. (no pun intended) :devil: *yep, on my way back down to the gutter*
Oh wow. My mind slipped into the gutter. :eek:

I think every time I see an Eddie pic, I just go off on a different plane. He's a work of art I tell you.
Chocolate-covered Edible Eddie? YIKES.

If said candy resembled the original, I wouldn't dream eating (!!!) it. I might stare at it all day... :D
tiqlado said:
Chocolate-covered Edible Eddie? YIKES.

If said candy resembled the original, I wouldn't dream eating (!!!) it. I might stare at it all day... :D

Yummy....one question...do they have a cream filling? :p

ETA: If you're gonna stare at it all day, it's gonna melt from all the panting and drooling. :D Better put him in the freezer.
^^ Put him in the freezer? Got it.

I'm sure that there's different cream fillings. :D :D

chocolate-covered eddie?
Take it any way you want, hon! :lol: The real thing covered in chocolate would work, too... :devil:
Alright I'm all for chocolate-covered Eddie.. I mean my two favorite things in the world all in one? Awesome.

1CSIMfan said:
Yummy....one question...do they have a cream filling? :p
LMAO! Yeah that would be better. :lol:
:lol: Oh my. I hope they don't call the fire department and hose us down, with all the heat we're generating... :D
and it's really hot where i am too...i don't need to be thinking these thoughts...

...yet when has that stopped me before...

*looking back up*...chocolate-covered eddie?...yum...
1CSIMFAN- No way I wouldnt leave you alone with Eddie... lol.. well, I'd let you guys do your thing, but you cant have him forever.

Emily, how'd Eddie treat you last night? Was he a good boy or did he need to be disciplined?? ::smirk:: lmao

Chocolate covered Eddie?? mmmm hmmmm

VIP Passholder right here... yay for us regular (or should we say... never-leave-the-gutter-ers) Eddie love slaves. ::passes out T-Shirts 'If found please return to 6969 Gutterville'::
:D oh, Eddie was a very good boy...:devil:

...*attempts to hide him behind her back. not working considering he's almost a foot taller than her*...

...do i have to give him back? :(...

oh, fine, here you go...
Wow. Chocolate covered Edible Eddies. Good to go. [Taco Bell commercial was just on. Couldn't resist. :p ]

Gutter-riden thoughts just popped into my head. :eek:
WOAH. chocolate covered eddie?! i hope you only mean that hes covered in chocolate andw e get to lick it off, and not an actual chocolate eddie, cause we may eat him!!!

and CSINYRULZ. i lurve the t-shirt idea.

we all need t-shirts declaring our loyalty to the gutter of Eddie!
^ Either one works for me. What's the harm in eating an edible chocolate Eddie?

On second thought, don't answer that. :lol:
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