Eddie Picture Thread #2: Blue Lasers of Hotness!!

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OMG!!!! If I have to look at that gun picture much longer someone is gonna have to revive me. :eek: He is so freakin HOT with that gun. I also like the kevlar vest pic. It's hot too. *thud-fell outta chair again* whew, sorry about that.
Yay new thread! Miss_Undercover the second is just aaaahhh hot blue lasers! :D

And I love the gun.

*looks for new pics as well*

Faylinn said:
"Eddie Picture Thread #3: A Big Freakin' Chunk of Temptation!" :lol:
lol awesome title.

I'm offering this old pic while I search for new ones ;)
Here are two pictures that I found on my computer

The smirk

And the smile

I lurve them both, but as you can see, I made the smile into my avatar. :)
^^You what I love about Eddie? I bet he was the skinny kid with a big head in elementary school. He totally has this air of 'former geek' about him. Something he's obviously overcome! But it's just so darn cute.
if he was a total geek, i would love him forever...not that i don't already, but you get the point...

but i actually read somewhere that he said he was kinda chunky as a kid...i think it was him, anyway...
^Hehe, chunky Eddie....awwwwww! (okay, I probably would have said awwwww if you told me he was a leper). I like to think he was a geek mostly because I'm a reformed geek. I've downgraded to 'square'. But a fun square! More like a parallelogram.
holy crapoly!!! YES!! Thread number 2... go us... ::throws streamers and passes out drinks to everyone, cranks up the jukebox, pops in CSI:NY Season 1 DVD's into Big Screen Plasma TV:: ALRIGHT!!! Great caps, made me laugh, I love the "the girls got this close.." one.. lol

I come with gifts..

1CSIMFAN That pic of Eddie putting those gloves on, I'm like.. dude if only doctors could be that cute.. especially "certain" kinds of doctors.. you girls know what I mean.. ::clears throat:: ehem.. anyway.. back to the gutter.. ::pulls up a chair, watches CSI:NY::
I really like that big picture Faylin...it was from "Felicity" wasn't it? That long shaggy hair gives him that "bad boy" look. :)
^ Actually, Outsider posted that pic. ;) But I'm not sure where it's from (I'm thinking it probably is from Felicity)...

You had to post the hand-in-front-of-the-crotch pic, didn't you, CSINYRULZ? :rolleyes: ;) :lol:
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