Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

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Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

You're a hero Lorelei Thank you very much for sharing the interview. I really love it.

And how cute is it that his face lights up so much whenever he's talking about something (or someone) he loves?

Yeah, that's really sweet. In general he is absolutely cute when he laughs or smiles.

Didn't know that Eddie is a smoker as well. But now it's confirmed by himself. And like Kimmychu wrote or better Eddie said - smoking makes for a good relationship.

I also loved the part where he uses the word "experience" 3 times in one sentence so that he self got aware of it
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

I love how he was specifically asked about Carmine first! :lol: :devil: ;)

"Smoking makes for good relationships"--best quote ever!!! :D :D :D

The 'experience' joking is cute--Eddie's very conscious of what he says in interviews and very thoughtful. And very self-deprecating! He gives very good, intelligent interviews.

I like what he says about "The Fall" and how classy Flack is. Thanks for posting that, Lorelai!
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Thanks Lorelai, I don't know you but you're becoming my favourite person!

Loved how he said "come on ... got no boss baby".

Makes me a bit sad he smokes, it's just not healthy and I don't want him to ruin that sexy voice of his and not to mention his lungs, teeth, and oh my, i'm turning into a evil person that wants people to quit smoking! :p
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Thanks for the interview Lorelai. :D

It's nice hearing about what he thinks about work. It's interesting that his favorite episode is The Fall, he really was great in that episode, yes I agree, he was so classy there.

He's more of a grey area kind of guy than Flack is? :lol: :p
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Lonia said:
I also loved the part where he uses the word "experience" 3 times in one sentence so that he self got aware of it

:lol: Yeah, that was hilarious! He even showed four fingers after that just for dramatic effect as if to say, "Yep, I said 'experience' four times in a go." :lol:

Top41 said:
The 'experience' joking is cute--Eddie's very conscious of what he says in interviews and very thoughtful. And very self-deprecating! He gives very good, intelligent interviews.

Thoughtful, intelligent and self-deprecating = so very rare in celebrity interviews, especially when the celebrity is as gorgeous as Eddie! See, this interview is what I call a good interview. Full of enthusiasm, contemplation and honesty.

mandy9578 said:
He's more of a grey area kind of guy than Flack is?

Ya just gotta wonder what exactly he's referring to, eh? :devil: ;)
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

he seems like a really good conversationalist....i'd luv to sit and chat with him for a bit. You all are right, he is so not like other celebrities in interviews...intelligent, though provoking, very complimentary of his coworkers, and generally well spoken...nothing is sexier than a hot guy who is unaware of his natural hotness...and I LUV that he actually makes honest eye contact with his interviewer...that would just make me all giddy inside, lol :lol:

but the smoking :( :( :(...it may make for good relationships - it is very much a social habit, but it sure messes with the pretty...i'll hop off my nurse-y soapbox in a sec guys...don't mess with the pretty Eddie!!!! You and Carmine need to take care of your health so you can both remain sexy beasts until the end of time ;)
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Lorelai said:
I've uploaded Eddie's WOWOW interview here.


Good grief! Thank you SSSSOOOOOOO much for posting this Lorelai you absolute SUPER STAR! :eek: I just can't thank you enough. I NEVER see any interviews with Eddie outside of his NHL stuff and I just loved this.

Thank you again, I will now be mostly building a shrine in your honer.


We're not worthy
We're not worthy
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

I love the WOWOW video, it's great to see and hear Eddie. I love how he refers to his relationship with Carmine! And he really does seem to give good interviews.

Anyway, the other night I finally got to watch Miracle! Even though many of you had said it was a good movie, I wasn't really expecting that much from it, but it was great. Eddie was wonderful as Jim Craig, and I defy anyone not to just want to give the man a hug. Bless him, such a sweetheart, and so cute too. :D I genuinely think it's a lovely family movie, I watched it with my husband and we both really enjoyed it. And I'm pretty sure he didn't enjoy it for Eddie Cahill, so it must have been OK! :lol:
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Thanks Lorelai for posting that video. I wish they would include more interview on the DVD's.

One disappointing fact which has temporarily shattered my affection for Eddie.....he smokes, seriously, that is so unattractive! At that point (for me anyways) it doesn't matter how smart, charming, funny, sexy you are, it's just gross. Okay, getting off my soapbox!
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

He was SUPER GREAT to night in "All in the Family". Him and Danny were Great. His tie butt ugly. The man HOT. I sure you noticed how well he jumped the wall. Yeah :lol:
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

He was hot in All in the Family. I freaking love him!!! It was his show as well as Carmine's. And my god could he and the woman who is Angell have anymore heat on screen? It radiates from them , love it!!
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

i always wondered if Flack smoked tho, as in one episode he pulled out a packet of cigarettes and tossed them on the table in front of a suspect he was interogating. I dont know if thats a Cop tatic or whether Flack smoked and he had them handy. I have no idea what episode that was.
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Thanks for the link Lorelai! :D I've seen the video before but thanks again! :) Eddie looks so funny and cute while dancing in between takes. It seems that he has two left feet! :lol: :lol:
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

awww thanx Lorelai :D! That vid was pretty cute. Love to see Eddie goofin around like that, very cute! His dance moves aren't that bad - they probably improve with a drink or two, :lol:...
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