Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

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Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Lorelai said:
:D Friends ( The One with All the Candy)
2000 ~ Tag Jones

"I said you were a good kisser...and that I liked your teeny, tiny tushy.
No, not my tushy! " :lol: :lol: :lol:

:devil: :devil: And to my defense, it's not my fault that there was a close - up of this.

Ah, the butt...Eddie's butt looks so scrumdidilyumptious!! :devil: :lol: :devil: That's so hilarious that someone got a close up of his butt!! :lol: :lol:
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Oh wow does that man have a great a$$... I love F*R*I*E*N*D*S, and for the longest time that little convo between Rach and Tag was my sig on here, but... had to change it - Eddie as Tag = ♥... :) Thanks for the caps!
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

*dusts off thread*

Hey Everyone - Found some pics of Eddie at a party... not sure if these have already been posted, if so - well.. seriously would you complain?? to have to look at the man some more? :) I posted it here, and also on the Flack thread... enjoy!

Eddie and Anthony Zuiker
Picture 2

Credit to CSICenter @ Photobucket

OMG, I have missed this site and my eddie fix! These pics are great!
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Friends (The One Where They're Up All Night)
(2000) Tag Jones

"Oh! When did you unhook this? Nice work!"



More pics here

The zip here
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Damn...his hair is way too long! *Drooling like crazy*...Rachel Green get lost! hahaha! :lol: :lol: Thanks for posting more Eddie pics, Lorelai! :D
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

I like his hair long like on Friends (and in Miracle) but I have gotten so use to his Flack haircut. I am torn!
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Aww, his long hair is cute. But it's kind of a young, cool guy hair cut, his Flack hair is much more suitable for a mature serious cop... I find it really strange watching him in Friends, I think he's great as Tag but it's just so different and he just looks so young.

Anyway, in case anyone is interested, the details of the extras on the US Season 3 DVD have been released. There is nothing really interesting in there (IMO), but Eddie is doing a commentary on 'Consequences', which I think is great news! :D
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Eddie is doing commentary??? Sweet!!! :D He's hilarious--can't wait to hear that! :D
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Nice!! Thanks for the good news, Elsie! :D Can't wait for October...
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Oh, that sounds great! Also can't wait to hear that commentary. Thanks for the infos Elsie
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Thanks for the news, Elsie. I guess that decides it: I'll be getting the US edition of the 3rd season, rather than waiting for the Australian release. They often leave off things like commentaries anyway. :(

The way they are stuffing around the scheduling, I'll be surprised if we see the end of season 3 before next year. *glares at Channel 9* Bastards!
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Friends (The One Where They All Turn Thirty) (2000)

~ Tag Jones

"You're such a great guy. And we have so much fun together. If I only want two kids, can I keep him for another year?"

:D Poor Rachel. He's hard to let go!


More pics here..

And the zip here.

One more Friends episode to go.. :(
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

awesome news about the commentary!!!

and oh how I would just love to rib off that robe!!! hee hee
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties

Damn he looks hot in that robe! :D
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties


I hadn't see this robed god for a long time! :lol: Friends episodes here are coming closer and closer to the ones where he was. I absoulutely loves that episode. He looked really great playing with Rachel's gift... :D
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