Eads: I'd Sit For Hours And Draw

CSI Files

<I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I>'s <font color=yellow>George Eads</font> (Nick Stokes) has been drawing superheroes since he was a child.<p>Eads started sketching crime fighters when he was growing up in Belton, Texas. "I'd sit for hours and draw faces and figures," the actor told <A class="link" HREF="http://www.redbookmag.com/">Redbook</a>. "I remember one mural I drew that had these guys busting out of the back door of a bank with these crazy looks on their faces, bullets flying out of their guns. One guy was turning around, and Captain America was leaning against a light pole with his finger to his lips going, 'Shhh.' Everything about superheroes is just so bad-ass. My personal favorite is Iron Man."<p>The actor gets his love for art from his family. "My mother and grandmother are and were both great painters, and I took art classes in junior high and high school," Eads explained. "I used to think the best job in the whole world would be to work at Six Flags Over Texas doing caricatures of people. When I would see those dudes draw people, I thought that was the coolest thing. I would watch for hours."<p>Although he never became a caricature artist, Eads did find a use for his artistic talents during one of his old jobs. "I was a junior high school teacher for a year in Waco, TX, and I'd work with special-ed kids," he shared. "I'd draw pictures of superheroes and Xerox them, and the kids loved to color them. In fact, a few years ago I went to the Dominican Republic with a few other celebrities to visit an orphanage, and the kids loved it then too. Some of the celebrities were singing and playing instruments; I started drawing faces, and the kids were just swarming around me. It comes in handy."<p>The original article is from <A class="link" HREF="http://www.redbookmag.com/fun-contests/celebrity/what-guys-love-2">Redbook</a>.<center></center>
For those that haven't seen George's drawing here is a scan of the article and drawing. Very talented you are George :)
Thanks for the link, Jacquie - I was wondering what his drawings looked like. :)
I'm impressed. Not only with the drawings but the fact that he taught JR.HIGH for Special needs children. It takes a very 'special' person to do that job.

Good for you George. :D
I'm very impressed with his drawings as well as his charity work. We don't hear a lot about George's charity work. Good for him! He's got a good heart that guy in spite of some nasty comments made about him in the last year by certain fans.

Way to go dude!
Well, someone beat me to the scanned article.

I think it's great that he draws and he worked with special ed kids.

I've always wondered what kind of charity work he did. I hope he goes to see some sick kids and draws for them too. If he can do caricatures the kids would probably love him drawing them.

You go George.
Thanks for the link, Jacquie - I was wondering what his drawings looked like. :)

Actually, it was speedystokesgirl who first scanned the article in..thanks speedster, you rock!

Especially since Redbook is hard to find in Canada- which happens to be where Jacquie and I are from.;)

It's so fabulous that George does this charity work.
Haha, in that case, thanks speedystokesgirl for scanning the article and sharing it with us. :D
This just makes GE that much more endearing to me. He's sweet and talented and he loves kids. I like that he does this charity work and we only hear about it well after the fact. In my mind, that means he's truly doing it for the sake of helping and not to make himsell look good which I think some celebs do. They brag about it and send out press releases as though to say "see how wonderful I am?"
Awesome drawing! Wish I could draw like that. I can draw a dolphin if I am patient enough (cause I mess up a lot), but drawing people is hard because people are just more complex than animals for the most part.

It's so sweet that he worked with those kids. Good for George! :thumbsup: