DuCaine Fan Fic...


Dead on Arrival
Her last moments still haunt him to this day, but the memories that he holds sacred are the one’s that only they shared together.
Not even those memories can wipe away her last moments.
Guilt kicks in and I start to see
It seemed to him that those 5 minutes passed in slow motion, not in the blur he expected.
We never really had our closure
He heard her yell out to the suspect to drop his gun. He was only half listening.
The gun shot was what got his attention.
He pulled the trigger of his gun, the bullet tore through the shooters thigh.
She fell to the ground, a single bullet hole through her chest.
What he didn’t know was that this would all be over in a matter of minutes.
This can’t be the end
He ran to her side to comfort her, to tell her that everything would be ok, but she was slipping away, her blood was all down the front of his dress shirt.
Her last words to him would haunt him to this very day.
ok guys what do y'all think??? i havent really finished it cause i cant think of any more at the moment...

y'all can help me finish the end if y'all want???
HAHAHA thnk you"!!! i have no idea how to end it... but im working on a ficlet and a vid using the song Running Away by Midnight Hour... It going to be something like this...
Calleigh is Running Away from everything because she's hurting inside... but she doesn't want to leave Horatio, but she has to because he hurt her by marriring Marisol, even though he knew that she had feeling for her. There's going to be a bit of a suprise in there... but im going to have to post "that" :devil: version on fanfiction.net... hehehe
Its going to be an angsty DuCaine Ficlet and vid.