Drinking thread.

jorja im a cheaper drunk than you :p well not really drunk, but i get giggly and tipsy after 2. so i never have more than two. and thats happened like...4 times.
wanting alcohol is another one of those biproducts of evolution, but we didnt get an internal checkpoint of when enough is enough so too often people abuse their limits.
ill accept the comparison of alcohol and marajuana, they both alter your mental capacity. but caffeine? come on.
i dont have any stories that will glamorize drinking, if thats the kind people were looking for. except whenever ive gone to lcbo (ontario liqour store) for my parents there will be little highschoolers trying to ask me to buy them something. i tell them to go home and play with their toys :D
DaWacko said:
Oh, you cannot put caffein to that category (as it may be addictive, when used a lot).

Caffeine is a mind-altering drug. Those who are addicted to it can't function as well without it. It is the world's most popular drug, and should be treated as such even if it's socially acceptable.

This is my last post on the matter, so I figure I should clear up any confusion one might have on my stance:

1. Go ahead, have fun, get drunk, get high. But only if you understand the ramifications.

2. Live and let live. If the guy down the block wants to have a joint after work, let him do it. If it was a beer nobody would say otherwise.

3. Not everyone who blazes once in a while is a pothead. Similarly, not everyone who enjoys a beer on occasion is an alcoholics. They shouldn't be clumped together.

If anyone feels strongly enough about this to debate this, then PM me. I just think it's taking the threads a little too far off topic.
Showtime said:
DaWacko said:
Oh, you cannot put caffein to that category (as it may be addictive, when used a lot).

Caffeine is a mind-altering drug. Those who are addicted to it can't function as well without it. It is the world's most popular drug, and should be treated as such even if it's socially acceptable.

Yes, it causes headache and makes you restless and even bit annoyed/aggressive. But being without it doesn't make you see or hear things that do not exist - unlike alcohol (when you are an alcoholic)

Oh yes...chocolate is drug as well. You may get addicted to it.

But yeah, drugs go to other thread :p
i dont drink anymore, i experimenteted, i'm done. and drinking and driving is a big part of it. way too many people are injured in drunk driving accidents, even when they aren't drinking. i choose not to be a part of that.

but teen drinking is an issue. i mean teens experiment. nobody's going to stop that. i accept it, i move on.
I have to say I LOVE drinking. It's just fun. I love laughing at those pics and videos that are taken when I'm drunk. :lol:
I get drunk like twice a month (or less), I don't drink too much.
I don't think there's anything wrong with drinking if you know how much to drink and how to behave when you're drunk. :)
I really don't drink that much, because of the under-age-ness. But, I'm in college and it's California. Strange things happen. Oooh. Scary.
But no, seriously. If I do get drunk, it's very blue-moonish. And you know there is a problem when people compair you in you're drunken state to Drunk!Monica from Friends.

WillowsWannaBe said:
I don't think there's anything wrong with drinking if you know how much to drink and how to behave when you're drunk. :)

I'm starting to feel the same way. Only, if that's how people thought, the legal drinking age would be 89.
Maybe. Yes. No.
Oh crap.

- Andy
WillowsWannaBe said:
I have to say I LOVE drinking. It's just fun. I love laughing at those pics and videos that are taken when I'm drunk. :lol:

hahaha oh jeez. morning after pictures. when your like ugh where did these come from? i love those :)

haha when i drink, very rare, i like going for walks and ending up somewhere that i dont even recognize, though i've been there millions of times.. i also always lose my phone. one time i lost it in some random lawn and it took 2 hours to find and i cried.
Well I never started drinking until I got to college. Yes I know it is bad but in high school some of my friends were alcoholics and I was always the DD. I learned about drinking from watching them for years, and I can honestly say when drinking I've ever gotten out of hand. Ya u get a little crazy and do things you prolly wouldnt have if sober, but I've never been in a fight, and have never blacked out or forgotten anything that had happened. I know when to stop. Ohhh and I've only drank hard alcohol twice, that stuff is just awful. If your gonan underage drink, try to stay away from the hard stuff, that is what will due you in.

And like DWacko said, you cant drink cause all ur friends do it, my friends smoke and I've never done it and now I'm of age. Just be responsible, that is all everyone asks
I've actually never been drunk, and the couple times I tried drinking I personally didn't see the appeal. The only interesting thing I thought was trying out different types of alcohol.

I've actually tried:

Vodka - Disgusting I think

Rum both in drink and in cooking - Great taste

Tequila - Disgusting I don't see how it's popular but I did try it with nothing else. I learned something that night, never mix tequila and mango juice makes it even worse.

Ouzo: Probably my favorite very strong and not horrible in terms of taste.
tequilla needs salt and lemon :rolleyes:

I've grown out from that drink :p (usually those who have just turned 18 drink it in the bar :p ) For two years me and my friend - it was our barnight start drink. One or two.

Vodka.. it depends. QUick shot goes down like everything else, but it's rather good when mixed with something.

coffee liquer is something that doesn't go down anymore for...erm... some reason :p

Tho anything stronger is... well - I usually go with mild drinks. Expect Jägermeister :D It may be a guy drink, but damn it's good! especially mixed with Battery (or RedBull).

But beer is just good. My one or two beers is more like... like when I go to sauna, I usually grab a beer with me.It's a tradition and damn good.
ew beer :p last year my brother said i could only watch the superbowl if i drank a beer. he gave me a sleamans original because he said it wouldnt be bitter. it was sooooo gross! it took me the entire 4 hour game to finish the bottle :lol:

ameretto sours are my favourite because they taste like candy deliciousness. i cant do hard liqour and i dont know how people drink it, it tastes like burning! except for gin martinis, i like those. i think its imprinted in my dna that i like those because everyone on my dads side drinks them :lol: oh and mojitos. fun to say and drink ;)
I learnt to drink beer two years ago... yes, it was pretty icky but it always depends.. I started with something that got few recommendations that it's good beer to start with... now pretty much everything goes... except not too keen on dark beers (such as Guinness...even me likes Kilkenny)

[grape] long drink, which is Finnish speciality is also my fave :D
DaWacko said:
Vodka.. it depends. QUick shot goes down like everything else, but it's rather good when mixed with something.
How about Finlandia? A Finn must know it :p *hopes it comes from Finland* LOL.

DaWacko said:
Expect Jägermeister :D It may be a guy drink, but damn it's good! especially mixed with Battery (or RedBull).
Ewww! I can't stand Jäger since August, I have some really unforgettable moments with it :lol: