Drinking thread.


I figured we should have a thread like the vergitarian one where people talk about what they like to drink, and how often they're drunk, andany interesting stories from when they've been drinking.

I know that you're going to say that I shouldn't drink because I'm uderage but almost all of my friends who are all underage drink, and in most countries it is legal to drink at 16. I would like to say if you are underage don't start drinking because of this thread, start when you feel ready to. My final piece of advice if you do start drinking, do it wth someone so that when you're starting to have too much there'll be someone else there to force you to stop.
I think it's bad to say "I drink because my friends drink" it's not way to go. Heck, 90% of my friends smoke and I've never even tried.

I've had lots of funny moments (doh, and few bad ones) when drinking, but it doesn't mean you need alcohol to have fun.

And I feel uncomfortable, if this becomes a thread where underage people share their thoughts about times when they got wasted.
well there is a drinking age for a reason. your brain is not fully grown til about 19-21. research of underaged drinkers shows neurocognitive damage from the alcohol.
i only ever had sips of drinks before turning 19, and it was usually my parents drink. my 19th birthday was the first time i had an entire drink to myself. i cant stand the taste of almost every kind of alcohol.
i also cant stand drunk people. they are obnoxious and annoying and id rather not be around them. i know some people who have low self esteem and cant go out without drinking in excess. its sad when you think about it.
in my experience with underaged drinkers they are just really immature about alcohol. i dont know if they think theyre being badass or what. but like i said, i always left.
ive never been drunk and i never intend too. blacking out and vomitting is not my idea of a good time. i know what alcohol does to my brain, liver, kidneys and other organs so i rarely have anything. which is why im the most reliable dd youre ever gonna find :)
I'd like to say a couple things. In terms of drinking age, even though it's illegal inthe US to drink before you're 21 most people still do it. When I wrote the first post in this thread I was somewhat tired a forgot a couple things.

I was sort of hoping for this thread to be a way for those who are new to drinking, legal or not, to ask more experienced people when they're starting to drink too much or questions of the like, without people they know judging them or un the risk of getting in trouble with the law. I say it's better to have a thread like this so that people can find out when their drinking is becoming unsafe in terms of how often or how much. ]

The secod thing is I was also trying to keep this thread interesting which is why I said go ahead and share stories.
In Holland it's legal to drink at 16. I have drinked sips of my parents' drinks till I was like 15, since I turned 15 I do drink beer once in a while. My parents allow me to drink. I don't drink much, never been really 'drunk.' And like Ducky said, you don't need alcohol to have fun.
I do not know what the drinking laws were back in the 50's and 60's, but being raised in a Jewish family gave me many opportunities to have wine on certain holidays and other occasions. During the holiday of Passover, part of the seder, the ceremonial dinner, each person would drink four cups of wine. I got to sample that when very young. Over the years, I was happy just drinking soft drinks day or night (example: Coke, Dr. Pepper, iced tea, etc.) except for one glass of champagne at friends' weddings or one glass of wine at relatives' bar mitzvahs or bat mitzvahs. Never been drunk; never want to be.
I don't see the point of alcohol. I understand it in small doses, but when people are fifteen and are so wasted that they have to spend the night in jail there's definitely a problem.

I find the hypocrisy of some drinkers appalling, too.
I kinda agree. I rarely drink & when I do, it's when I'm out for dinner with friends or when I have company at home. The taste of alcohol disgusts me.

Also, I know of a few people, underaged ones mind you, who sneak into clubs with fake ID's & just get wasted. I don't see the point of drinking to get drunk. Like what, those people enjoy throwing up, falling over, blacking out & getting into car accidents. Yeah, cause those people are really cool :lol:.

I just say if you're gonna do it, do it when you're legal so you won't have to worry about getting trouble with the law. Basically, just don't abuse the booze.
Well, in the UK the legal age to drink is 18, but so many of my friends were getting drunk and/or totally wasted before that. I never felt the need to drink, until I went to a party last year and took a few sips of Calsberg, but I hate moct alcohol so I tend to only take sips of people's drinks at parties. Also, the fact that so many of my friends get totally wasted and/or seem to need drink to have a good time has somewhat scared me off drinking.

I don't see the need for alcohol, whether you be underage or legal, because you can have just as much without, and wake up the next morning feeling fine, with no regrets. *shrug* But, yeah, my two cents! :p


Edited because I have no clue about drinking ages in England! :p
I as well, rarely drink alcohol, "been there done that", in my party animal days I loved Tequila and Vodka and Brandy, now I would gag if I tried to drink hard liquor, but on New Years Eve, and Oscar night I drink a few glasses of champagne, and it's tough, living in a "drinking" town with free boos, everywhere, but I would never drink and drive, so it's usually club soda or Sprite in the Casino's, also no more friggin' hangovers~~~~EWWWWW~~~~~ :D
Showtime said:
I don't see the point of alcohol. I understand it in small doses, but when people are fifteen and are so wasted that they have to spend the night in jail there's definitely a problem.

I find the hypocrisy of some drinkers appalling, too.

Isn't that bit of hypocrisy that you say "yay! Make marijuana legal! It's not a bad thing!" and then go all this with alcohol? "it is bad, I don't get it"

I think the sad thing with teens drinking is the fact they do not know their limit. I've been watching three times when a friend has been taken to the hospital in ambulance. I've tested my limits and know where those go.

For me it's a cultural thing. You grab a beer when you go to sauna. They belong together.

I drink pretty much everything, except wine... esp white wine (some red may go down) but I try to avoid strong stuff nowadays because it only leads to trouble.

It's minority that gets in the jail. Underage people are mostly taken to home and those who do get in jail - they deserve it.

There's just people who go crazy when they get alcohol. Then there's extremely happy people, like me. Of course there's been a few fights but nothing serious.

Don't generalise people "they all get totally wasted and spend night in jail"

I've drank god knows how many years, never got in trouble and was totally wasted first time when I was 18 (and legal drinking age) and it was horrible, horrible evening.

I'm sure many of those who drink - and the first time they throw up while drinking... they will remember it (of course there's people who'll throw up every time)
CSIVegasMiamiNY said:
Well, in the UK the legal age to drink is 16, but so many of my friends were getting drunk and/or totally wasted before that. I never felt the need to drink, until I went to a party last year and took a few sips of Calsberg, but I hate moct alcohol so I tend to only take sips of people's drinks at parties. Also, the fact that so many of my friends get totally wasted and/or seem to need drink to have a good time has somewhat scared me off drinking.

Uh...the legal age is 18. OR I'd be drinking! :p
DaWacko said:
Showtime said:
I don't see the point of alcohol. I understand it in small doses, but when people are fifteen and are so wasted that they have to spend the night in jail there's definitely a problem.

I find the hypocrisy of some drinkers appalling, too.

Isn't that bit of hypocrisy that you say "yay! Make marijuana legal! It's not a bad thing!" and then go all this with alcohol? "it is bad, I don't get it"

You've been misinterpreting my posts, probably because I have issues with expressing myself in a way that I don't end up contradicting myself. I don't think alcohol is bad and I don't think that marijuana is good. I think that if you're going to have one legal that has had more adverse effects than the other you might as well legalize them both. There's this huge, uneducated bias against marijuana since it's illegal (for which reasons I'm unsure ... it's no more of a drug than tobacco, alcohol, or even caffeine).

That being said, no, I don't understand alcohol abuse where people drink to the point of passing out. Alas, I don't understand those who smoke until they throw up or can't speak. I'm all for moderate, recreational use, just as I am for drinking.
Perhaps you haven't been clear enough when you've been making points in your posts. You need to post in a way so peope do not misinterprent those.

Oh, you cannot put caffein to that category (as it may be addictive, when used a lot).

Oh man, that's the reason why Finns are so depressed and strange! They drink more coffee than any other nationality in the world and alcohol is #1 reason of death (they beat cardiovascular diseases last year)

But yeah, I agree passing out is something I don't understand. I've carried a quite few friends when I was younger.

But for everyone there was a limit. I went to the bar with my friend a week ago... around 10pm and everytime glass was empty we got a new one. one or two... five or six... who counts? We had fun and then went to sleep.
My limit is three 'cause after that...well you know :lol:. It's only my mom & I who are cheap drunks. My dad & sister can hold their own :lol:.