Draw A CSI Anyone?

All right, I got my pictures ready finally.
I drew this Grissom pic during science class

I drew these lil' chibi dudes during band



But this one is my pride and joy, it took me over an hour and I am actually quite pleased with it. It contains lyrics from a song by one of my favorite bands of all time. I know its weird but do you get it?

Honestly, what do you think of them?

Well, I managed to whip something out. *is slowly dragging self out of artslump*

I promised Lieke I'd draw Grissom. I tried. Let's keep it at that. XD


And Greggo, comicbook style:


Bluegirl, you make me jealous! Very excellent drawings , you can't say that you can't draw! It was very good! Like it! With pen is indeed harder to do but I think that that's the one which is better then the pencil one.. my opinion.. I like them!

And by the way : I never learned drawing too so I guess it's no biggie .. very excellent work!

SzmandaEads, No biggie! It's good that you like it!

araSgerG, those are funny! Very funny! I like Chibi one's , re-minds me of all those cartoons which I watched when I was a bit younger. ^^

Macayla, very nice! Especially the teeth! I never , I swear , I never get to draw teeth that good! They always , always fail on me! Very cool drawing, like it very much.

Silie , I envy you! ( Maybe a bit to rude.. ) I'm soo jealous , you know? Very good drawings! Both of 'em! I like the Grissom one! You're a real talent drawing , you know that?

After seeing all of those drawings , one thing is true : Now I have this urge to draw better :p , I'm crazy..
Lieke thank you! :) I'm gald you liked my drawings! :D

Sillie I loved your pics too! Especially the Greg one! ;)

I'm planning on doing more CSI:NY drawings in the near future. For now I drew a Gary Sinise pic, cuz Dutch_CSI was asking for one. So here it is. It looks a littel weird, because my scanner is at home, so I took a pic of it instead. Hope you like it anyway! :)

Tery - Pencil drawing - Gary Sinise (2006-01-18)
It's very funny! Like it.

This whole week is for me inspirationless.. can't draw a thing only the assignments which our drawing teacher gave us.. and that's not drawing persons , no! It's more like drawing very odd figures. Maybe when I'm done with it , I'll scan it in.. but it could take time because we have one drawinglesson each week. Thursdays..

It's weekend , finally so.. Bluegirl..:p
These pictures are great!! I would post my pictures if I could draw but I don't have a scanner either so...yea! Keep drawing! :) :) :)
I've now got like 10 different pictures of Greg or Nick and two of Grissom, including the funny-bug-drawing Soulmates. Oh, and one my buddy dislikes, with chibi Sara and Greg. I just sorta forgot them again.
Awesome , can you post them or did you already post them?

I'm working on a Danny Messer drawing. I only have to do his hair but I think I will post him without it and maybe later when I have done his hair , I'll post it.. if it's any good then..

I think I post my Danny Messer one tonight..