Dr. Sheldon Hawkes's Look


Hit and Run
I LOOOOOVE me some Hawkes whether he's as clean shaven as a baby's bum or as hairy as a sasquash (um, well maybe not that hairy); but I want the goatee and clean-cut look back. What do y'all think? :p
I prefer the clean-cut look on Hawkes as well. He's got a gorgeous face that shouldn't be cluttered with any unnecessary fur.
He does have awfully nice cheek bones doesn't he :D
I prefer just a hint of shaved goatee, in that well cut way he does it.

By the way, did you guys see him on Oprah. The ep played here the other day called - the man who adopted 6ooo children - Hill was on with his book, not for long but still he looked spiffy in his sweater :D
I miss the facial hair. Not too much, just enough. ;)


By the way, did you guys see him on Oprah.
He got so shafted. :mad:
Yup, he has nice cheeks....and bones. I missed him on Oprah again (thanks for the heads-up). Hopefully they'll run it again. :D
I like the look in the pic Fay posted. I love the goatee on him. I think he looks best with hair no longer than it is in that pic, though he can go shorter and it can still look good.

Hillicious, have you read his book?
Yes, I read it. It was awesome. I have a youth intervention program, so I bought it for all of my kids. Did you read it Top41? What did you think about his mom suggesting that he play "guitar" more often? :lol:
^:lol: Yeah, I did. It's a really good, grounded guide that's accessible and doesn't talk down or condescend at all to its intended audience. What did the kids in your program think of it?
They were all truly grateful and inspired by it. I'm in the process of adopting a child, and I'd initially gifted it for my son's 16 year old brother who is in desperate need of ministry. I was planning to try and get (Hill) to visit the group home--and I was going to pay the honorarium out-of-pocket (to speak to them), but it may not be safe be a safe place for Hill.....if I'm there! :lol:
Hillicious said:
They were all truly grateful and inspired by it.

I love that book. I even got my slacker of a 19-year-old brother to read it. Now I have to work on him actually enacting some of the lessons of the book...
I'm in the process of adopting a child, and I'd initially gifted it for my son's 16 year old brother who is in desperate need of ministry.

That's really awesome! Hopefully that young man will take some of the lessons of the work seriously. The best part of the advice that Hill gives is that he advises without being condescending, and that is so important.

I was planning to try and get (Hill) to visit the group home--and I was going to pay the honorarium out-of-pocket (to speak to them), but it may not be safe be a safe place for Hill.....if I'm there! :lol:

Um, let me know. I'll split the honorarium with you and we can have a private um, session, in a back room. With props.
sounds like you're doing some great stuff, Hillicious. :D

As for the pic Fay posted -- looks to me like Hill's new look tickles in all the right places. ;) :devil:
:lol: The pic is from season 2 (specifically "Zoo York"), but if he's got the facial hair in season 4...:devil:

I never finished reading his book, but I did start it--I loved the fact that he was very candid about his own life experiences. It's clear that he really wants to be open and honest so that he can reach the readers.

I'm looking forward to 'Letters to a Young Sister', which I'll be buying as soon as it is released. Gotta show support for a man who really wants to make a difference. :)
--I'm DYING laughing about the shirt! I'm soooo not into computer graphics, but you guys are so darned creative that I wouldn't doubt that he's worn it.

Faylinn, the next book should be even better. My boys said that they liked the first one because now they believe me when I say that their dreams are attainable. Cool stuff, huh?

Mrs G, I try to be a good girl Monday-Thursday, between the hours of 8am and 7pm.

Springmoon, I'll DEFINITELY hold you to that. I'll purposely bump the thread just in case you'll try to back out when the time is right. Do you think that he can handle the two of us?
Moi? Back out? That only happens if I happen to have *ahem* indulged myself too much the evening before and am lying in bed, waiting for death to claim me. But now that I'm an incubator, I doubt there will be too much of that going on anytime soon.

Just give me enough time to find a suitable maternity costume or babysitter and we're all set. Of course he can handle us both!