I can't help but feel bad for Ryan. I mean he "tampers" with evidence to selflessly SAVE A CHILDS LIFE, but then Delko and Calleigh are upset of what he did, and look at him with digust.
Yet if I'm not mistaken Delko was purchasing marijuana to help his sister and and more recently helped his father evade a police raid. And Calleigh has helped her father out of certain circumstances. Yet for some reason its seems what Delko and Calleigh have done is justified and what Ryan has done is not.
You know this topic is quite interesting since we've been talking about it for a while and yeah it indeed looks like we're looking at two standars.
Whenever Ryan does something wrong, he's always the first one to pay for his consequences. But then again, he was the one who gambled, he was the one who tempared with evidenced to save a child w/o telling anyone about it. Let's not forget that both Delko and Calleigh didn't know anything. Though, I'm pretty sure that a certain point they didn't even care about Ryan, but that's another story :shifty:.
As for Calleigh I'm not trying to defend her, but she indeed got suspended and more than once even b/c of other people fault. I mean she was taken off b/c of a cheat sheet which wasn't hers and she also had to retake her proficiencies b/c of it.
She also got suspended when she shot the man in "Stand Your Ground". But, there's always a but, she could easily go to visit Alexx in the morgue right when she was examining the victim of her case, she could easily tell Jake Berkley he was a liar and maybe even accuse him of drinking too much.
To me, this is only bad writing. The idea of making her drink and making her drive and even make her shoot was quite good (even if completely out of character), but the outcomes weren't good at all. Because she came back to work as if anything happened here issue wasn't discussed at all. I'm not saying that she's an alcoholic, all I'm saying is that she couldn't even drive (she managed to walk out of that bar) and she absolutely should have shot, not matter how critical the situation was.
The only person I would kinda blame for this difference in standards between Ryan and the other is Delko. He's the only one who has never faced the consequences of his actions. He was shot and he got back to work w/ not tutor or anyone else to help him. He's still suffering from his injury, but he has never recieved the proper help. He already changed 2 shrinks and he even read the files of one of them.
As for the season finale, we don't know the real reason why Eric decided to help his father (no matter how they'll explain me this episode, I'll always say that he helped his father), still I think that what he did wasn't completely legal or good and yeah he should pay the consquences of his actions.
Delko has been taken off a case, but yep it was pretty obvious that he had to be taken off it. Yeah I do think that if H hadn't taken Delko off that case, fans would have been ready to kill TPTB
Once they'll show the audience that even Delko (Horatio's brother-in-law) can face the consequences of his actions, I do think that people will start sense less and less differences in standards between Delko and Ryan.
I do think that this is the real problem and TPTB don't seem too able to solve it.
Ok that Delko is Horatio's brother-in-law, but I find it extremely weird that he has always a justification for his actions and that someone else has to pay for them
So, my point is that anyone in the lab committed bad actions, if not crimes, but it always seems that whoever has a great bonding with H (Delko, in particular since H is always ready to defend him, not matter what) won't have to face the consquences of them.
Again, this is bad writing