Disney Channel Shows

Pokemons and digimons and powerpuff girls. Blah.
Oh and the new Winnie the POoh - of course it's meant for little kids, since it's a teaching cartoon but still. There's that little girl who annoys me :lol: I was once confused when mom asked "is it fair that *whatevertheforestinwinniethepoohisinenligh* has got new people?" and for mins I thought "wtf?" until I realised she had been channel surfing and saw that other Disney channel.

As for Hannah Montany and such... we didn't have channels like that so never really got into those and now I am way too old for the stuff :lol: :lol:

I know this goes bit away from Disney, but when I was a kid we had some good cartoons! Alfred J. Kwak, TaoTao, Nils Holgersson, Winnie the Pooh, Darkwing Duck...

and speaking of Winnie the Pooh - has anyone seen Winnie the Poohs that were made in Soviet Union in the 70s? I saw some last christmas and those were...rather interesting.
I actually like the powerpuff girls. Well, I am not really a big fan. But it can be fun to watch it sometimes.

Who is the little annoying kid in Winnie The Pooh nowadays? I think I have missed her somehow? Speaking of it, I havent seen Winnie the Poohs that were made in Soviet Union in the 70s either. You said it was "interesting". Can you explain? You made me curious.

I am also too old for Hannah Montana, Sonny with a chance and similar shows. I watched Camp Rock though (silly me!), and I saw the trailer for JONAS at disney channel. I kinda liked it, and may watch it sometime. What annoys me is these kids and parents who acts like idiots. They all act younger than what they truly are. The parents are like big children, and the teenagers are like 5 years old. At least, they usually act like that, from what I have seen.
You are right. It was pretty erhm interesting. I am actually speechless, as it was not what I expected. The gun and the balloon :lol: I actually liked it, as it was different.