Dislike a Ship?

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Re: Dislike a ship??

OK guys, this thread is still being used as a debate thread so I am closing it. Since most of the posts are for Vegas, these discussions can be moved over to the debate thread for Vegas.

Re: Dislike a ship??

This thread had been closed since April 2007 but since we have a lot of new posters to Shipper Central, we've decided to TRY it again. The following is the original reason this thread was opened:

Who do you think would not be able to last as a couple and why?

I would like to add the following:

~ This is NOT a debate thread.

~ There will be NO discussion about which couple is better or why couple A isn't right over couple B

~ There will be NO discussion that couple A or character A cannot be gay since everybody has a right to ship who the want.

~ This thread is to state who you don't think would be able to last as a couple and it doesn't matter if they are canon or not. ANY couple you do not think can last.

If this turns into nothing but a debate thread OR there is bashing, this thread will be closed AGAIN and not brought up. If you'd like links to the ship debate threads, please state so in your post and I will dig them up.

Also, the three line rule does not apply to debate threads OR to this thread but it must stay on topic. It is limited to the actual ship threads themselves.

Have fun and play nice! :)
Re: Dislike a ship??

Okay I guess I'll start!

Alright, as most people know, I have a problem with GSR. Not just because of the characters, but because of the way it was presented.

I just see Grissom as a father figure, and Sara as a daughter, and to me it's just kind of weird.
Re: Dislike a ship??

I don't know if this qualifies as appropriate, but here goes my "dislike".


I dislike the idea of Horatio with......... anybody.

I know, I know, it sounds harsh. It's not that I think he's awful or that he deserves to be alone. That's NOT what I'm saying. Actually, it's pretty difficult to describe why I feel this way at all.

I suppose... well, I suppose it's the way he's been characterized. I could maybe see him in a ship in the earlier seasons, maybe during 1 & 2, but beyond that, both the writers and Caruso himself evolved the character into someone who isn't human.

I'm not saying he's a monster or inhuman or anything along those lines. No no. H isn't unfeeling or savage, etc. He's just..... apart from everyone else. He's in a classification so unique and separate that I can't see him with ANY of the rest of "us".

I get the same exact feeling from the character Robert Goren on L&O: CI.

Again, I'm very fond of H, I really really am. It's just not possible for me to picture him in any kind of romantic relationship. "Does not compute", as the old robot saying goes.
My least favorite ship? Nick and Sara. I just don't see what people thought was the flirting, particularly in s1, because every time she flirted with him, Nick shut her down.

...and then went to flirt with Greg in the lab. :p

Seriously though, I don't see them working, both of them need someone with a little more life in them to shake it up a little. I think they warmed up to each other after a while, but there's nothing more than friends there. I see Nick treating her/speaking to her as a younger sister, and I like that about their friendship.

That said, I'm not a fan of GSR either, I don't think they are what the other needs, but sometimes that's not what matters. I saw the ship in place from day one, but it has never rung true with me. Otoh, I did like how they ended it. Whether I think they would realistically work long term or not, that was sweet and I am a romantic at heart. :)

I never liked Greg/Sara either, but I think that's just a knee jerk because I think he should be with Nick. :p :lol: Honestly, she'd be better with Greg than with Grissom or Nick or anyone else for that matter. Too bad Greg is taken. ;)
Well, on the CSI/Vegas there was only one ship that was valid, that the writers presented to the fans, and that happened, and it was great from the beginning to the end. Hopefully this couple will return as 'guests' and married. The other ship that I would have liked to see happen was Warrick and Cath, they were always so in tune and so good together, on everything. he got her, and visa versa! any other combinations would be fantasy or fan-fiction which is great for them, if that's how fans perceive whoever! On dislike I never saw any ship to dislike~
I seriously dislike Danny and Lindsay and GSR.GSR becouse I missed Grissom with other characters that I loved and D/l Becouse I see absolutely no appeal in Lindsay at all.Lindsay should have become a likeable character before starting any relationship.
I dislike the idea of Horatio with......... anybody.
I agree but for different reasons. It seems every woman that get with Horatio ends up dead in the morgue. It's like he's bad luck. :wtf: I don't really care much for Horatio the last few seasons. I liked him in Seasons 1 and 2 the best when he actually worked.

I seriously dislike Danny and Lindsay and GSR.GSR becouse I missed Grissom with other characters that I loved and D/l Becouse I see absolutely no appeal in Lindsay at all.Lindsay should have become a likable character before starting any relationship.
I totally agree with my dislike of DL. Lindsay has no appeal and she was never developed on her own. Danny was, and still is, her prop. As for DL, it is the most adolescent relationship I've ever seen. They are adults in their late 20s early 30s who should ACT like it. Maybe this whole baby catastrophe will make them both grow up.
I don't think Danny and Lindsay could last, and the fact that they are going to last whether it's at all logical just makes me dislike it more. A relationship shouldn't have to happen. The whole thing is a big mess IMHO.
^^ Exactly!! Despite that I hate GSR,I like both Sara and Grissom as individual characters.I know their personality,background and there was something between them even if it wasn't romantic.But the writers never took time to present Lindsay well except telling us that she is from Montana!!:rolleyes:
I don't think Danny and Lindsay could last, and the fact that they are going to last whether it's at all logical just makes me dislike it more. A relationship shouldn't have to happen. The whole thing is a big mess IMHO.

The fact it seems they are only getting married because of the pregnancy makes me think it won't last. I don't believe Danny would have asked her, let alone tell her he loved her, had she not gotten pregnant. Their 'relationship' has been screwed up from the beginning and I don't see a happy ending. If it crashes and burns, I won't be surprised but I will be happy about it.
I'm all for canon slash, but I just can't see Nick and Greg together. If anything, they are brothers. Warrick and Catherine would have been great together had the former not recently die.

I disliked GSR with a passion. As someone above mentioned, I liked the characters, but not together. They seem way too forced and unnatural IMHO. I think Grissom would have been great with Catherine as well as with Lady Heather, but just no Sara. I can also see Sara with Nick. But Sara and Grissom seemed too icky to me.
kinkapoodles said:

Their 'relationship' has been screwed up from the beginning and I don't see a happy ending. If it crashes and burns, I won't be surprised but I will be happy about it.
That's the thing - I don't see it crashing and burning, even though logically it doesn't seem destined for a happy ending. They've already retconned part of last season to accommodate the pregnancy, and I get the feeling they'll continue to bend the characters - and the plots - around the relationship rather than molding the relationship around the characters (which is how it should be done). The relationship seems to be happening only because it has to happen, and therefore any rhyme and reason is discarded as if the only important thing is to Make It Work.

electra said:

Despite that I hate GSR,I like both Sara and Grissom as individual characters.I know their personality,background and there was something between them even if it wasn't romantic.But the writers never took time to present Lindsay well except telling us that she is from Montana!!:rolleyes:
The lack of development for Lindsay is annoying. The character is a blank slate, and it's like all they've done is add relationship stuff to her as if that takes the place of real development, making the character totally dependent on the success of the relationship - which just makes me dislike the relationship even more. As long as Lindsay is around, D/L will always have to be there in some capacity for her character to have purpose. That adds to the fact that the relationship has to happen, logic be damned.

And now they've added the baby, which conveniently ensures that Lindsay is always tied to Danny (and vice versa). In real life, people break up and move on with their lives despite having children, and they can even remain civil and maintain a relationship in some way, shape or form because of their family - but in this case, the baby will likely prevent the relationship from ever ending (permanently, at least). So, once again, the relationship has to happen.

If this was a show that revolved around relationship drama, I could understand that the relationship must exist (one of my new favorite shows, Rick and Steve: The Happiest Gay Couple in All the World, would be pointless if Rick and Steve weren't a couple) - but this is a procedural crime drama. It doesn't make sense to write the characters into a corner under the pretense of 'character development'.

So yes, I dislike the relationship very much, particularly since I wouldn't expect it to work if they didn't have to make it work.

Branching out - I don't think Mac/Stella would work. Not to start a debate, but I just...don't think it would work. I like their deep bond and friendship, and I think there is an important relationship between them - but I can't see it working romantically, at least not in the context of an ongoing series. (I probably wouldn't buy it if they got together at the end of the series either, but at least they wouldn't have to sell it every week.)
I have done this one before. It have been a while, like years ago.

I dislike the ship is The Love (Nick and Greg)- I don't see it. All I see them as a big brother and little brother. Nick don't see him that way and so it Greg. That's my opinion.

The Yobling (Warrick and Catherine)- I don't see them as a couple, all I see them as attraction with each other, not a couples. That's my opinion.

Sonic (Nick and Sofia)- Where's the chemistry of them? I don't see it. He show no interested in her. That's my opinion.

Sandle (Sara and Greg)- I did tried to like them, but there is no chemistry between them, they have nothing in common with each other, only brother and sister. That's my opinion.

Don't bash me when I got a opinion on my own who I don't like.
^^My point exactly.Grissom needs some spice and Catherine and lady heather bring it to him.

Faylinn,Mac and Stella at least have chemistry but I am afraid of how the relationship will be handled.They are more friends then anything at this point.
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