Welcome to the fan art forums newest feature!
We'll have a different discussion topic each week. The current discussion will be sticked, and then unstuck when a new topic is posted, but will always stay open for the discussion to continue. We may not stick strictly to a weekly schedule, we'll have to see how it goes. Ad of course, we're always open to suggestions for topics! You can either post it in the current thread, or PM either Kat or myself.
So, for the first discussion, I thought we'd start with Tiny Text.
Do you like seeing tiny text on icons?
What's the best way to use tiny text?
How should you not use tine text (what looks bad?)
Where is a good place to find tiny text brushes?
Are there any good fonts that can be used as tiny text?
You don't have to stick to these questions, they're just something to get conversation going.
Have fun!
We'll have a different discussion topic each week. The current discussion will be sticked, and then unstuck when a new topic is posted, but will always stay open for the discussion to continue. We may not stick strictly to a weekly schedule, we'll have to see how it goes. Ad of course, we're always open to suggestions for topics! You can either post it in the current thread, or PM either Kat or myself.
So, for the first discussion, I thought we'd start with Tiny Text.
Do you like seeing tiny text on icons?
What's the best way to use tiny text?
How should you not use tine text (what looks bad?)
Where is a good place to find tiny text brushes?
Are there any good fonts that can be used as tiny text?
You don't have to stick to these questions, they're just something to get conversation going.
Have fun!