Digging up the past (CaRWash/future)


This is my first fic, please rate it. The ideas are from the CaRWash thread. I have to credit Dutchie for the childs name.

Digging up the past (CaRWash)
All of a sudden, Ryan wakes up from his nap.
“Junior, what did I say? DO NOT PLAY with things in this lab! Even not with coffee cups and beer glasses.” he said.
“We should have kept that good old plastic cups, they can’t break” said Calleigh, who just opened the door to the canteen.
“I’ve got some jerk from downtown, asking for Mr. Wolfe.”
“Which one?” Daniel asked.
“You’re not yet really a mister, mister. I meant your father. That guy looks like a bum, but wears a costume. I don’t trust him so much. He didn’t want to say what it’s about, so check it out honey.”
“Yes, I will” Ryan said.
“Oh, by the way. Don’t breath in too deeply.” Calleigh winks.

“So there you are, I was looking for my favourite nephew” sounds a voice behind Calleigh. “Uncle Horatio!” Daniel screams.
“Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. Once, you’ll wake up the dead ones with your screaming” Horatio laughs.
“How are you doing my boy?”
“Good uncle, look what I’ve drawn at school” Daniel holds up a big piece of paper, with some black stains on it.
“Very nice Daniel, but may I ask what it is?”
“These are your sunnies uncle. Why are you always wearing that sunglasses?”
“What?” Horatio got totally confused by this question.
“Eeer, listen boy, these things hide your eyes, right?”
“And” Horatio explains “your eyes reflect your soul, isn’t it?” Daniel hums
“So, what if my soul is not pure? That I’ve done bad things in my life? You don’t want that everybody hates you for that, do you?”
“Eeer” Daniel stutters“
“No, I don’t Daniel” It remains silent for a few seconds, before Daniel protests.
“But uncle, you have also done good things in your life. You give people a safer life, don’t you?”
“Yes my boy, but theses sunnies also keep out bad things. So that I keep myself out of trouble, en don’t get any worse” Horatio explains.
“Alright, I get it. Did you know that mom?”
“No hon, Horatio never told me about this. Very good story H” “Thank you Calleigh”

In the meanwhile at the front entrance, Ryan is looking for that bum his wife mentioned.
“Mr. Wolfe?” Ryan turns around.
“Yes, that’s me. You asked for me?”
“I certainly did. I have a little problem. Actually, it’s quite a big problem. Look, it just suddenly was there. I don’t know why, and I don’t know from who, but it’s there” the bum tells in panic.
“Just calm down for a second please. What are you talking about?”
“I mean” the bum continues “that stupid car on my terrain. It’s not mine, the car is ugly, and the tires are flat. So what does that car do on my turf?” Ryan just realizes that the bum actually isn’t a bum.
“I don’t know, mister…”
“Smith, call me Ringo Smith. But why are you standing still there? Why don’t you go and look for yourself? That stupid prick who placed that car there must want his car back.”
“Yeah, I think so, I will first question my superior. Why don’t you wait a moment there in the sun? I’ll be right back.”

“Horatio? Eric, do you know where Horatio hangs out?”
“I think he’s entertaining your son, as always when you bring him” Eric says.
“Alright, see you soon I think”
“Wait a moment mister, why do we meet soon?” Ryan suddenly stops walking.
“There’s a bum-looking asshole at the front entrance, who found a car on his turf, which is not his car”
“Is that everything? Haven’t we got other things to do?” Eric complains.
“No, seems like Horatio was wrong. Criminals do have vacations.”
“Yeah, I think so”
“You were looking for me?”
“H, I thought you were in the break room. Don’t leave Daniel alone in there, he breaks everything”
“Calm down Mr. Wolfe, that beauty of yours is still inside.”
“Calleigh?” Ryan sighs “Why…ah, never mind, you’re right. She is really a beautiful woman.”
Suddenly, a child voice sounds: “Mom, did you hear that? Dad thinks you’re beautiful.”
“Yes, I heard that. Thank you sweetheart”
“Eeer” Ryan blushes “I…I meant…you…ah, never mind, you know I’m serious about that. But back to the point, Horatio. We have a guy at the front entrance with a strange car on his turf, it could be stolen. Should we go and see?”
“Yeah, go and see.” Horatio mumbles.
“Aren’t you coming with us, H?” Calleigh asks in confusion.
“No Mrs. Wolfe, I have to do some things. Nothing special. Just go, don’t mind me.”
“Mrs. Wolfe? It still sounds good” Calleigh winks to Ryan
“Yeah, it sure does, better than Mrs. Berkely, don’t ya think?”

Later, arrived at Smith’s place
“I think it’s an old Cadillac. But it seems like it’s towed to here. Look. The tire treads are to wide for that Cadillac.” Ryan determines.
“You…” Eric starts
“Ssshhh” Calleigh silences him. “Don’t disturb him. He’s fond of these things. And don’t dare to call him a wiseguy.”
“Yes, Horatio?”
“Pop the trunk”
“It’s locked H. Should I break it open?”
“We don’t have another choice, do we?’
A loud bang, and some glass rattling.
“You’re to slow, Mr. Wolfe. Let’s see what’s inside. Whoa…you never believe this” Horatio says.
“ What’s up H?”
Ryan peeks into the trunk, which is full of…limbs.
“Looks like somebody wanted to lend this guy a hand” Ryan jokes.
“No time for joking, Mr. Wolfe. I think this whole trunk thing is a joke. Look, there are screws on the limbs.”
“I think they’re limbs from dummy’s” Calleigh adds.
“Wait, this is no dummy, there’s blood on this one.” Ryan disturbs.
“I think” Horatio pauses a second, and puts on his sunglasses “our joke just turned into a crime scene.
rate it? you mean giving you a note? lol if so i will give you 8/10 with the mention "excellent" :D

Me always happy to read Carwash stories :D
Even more from new writers!!!

Sissi :D
Thanks for the comments everybody. It's my first fic, so I didn't think it was going to work out so well. It's here now 5:52 AM, I think I'm going to start writing chapter 2 this afternoon. :D
Alright, here is, as promised, the next chapter. It's a bit shorter, but I think the two CaRWash scenes compensate it a bit. :devil:


“All right, let’s start with the standard procedure” Horatio starts. “Where were you before you found this car?”
“I was at my brother’s, he invited me for dinner. You know, he’s a wonderful cook, you should try it once, he has a restaurant just downtown. It’s name is Rainbow Garden, you should know it.”
“Yes I know which restaurant you mean. Is there anyone who can confirm you were there?”
“Yeah, sure, my brother” Ringo points out
“Seems you aren’t that bright today, H” Ryan interrupts”
“I’m just confirming, Mr. Wolfe, just focus on your own task” Horatio snaps.
“Whoa, bad hair day today? I just wanted to say that the blood on the leg was real. It’s to the lab for DNA tests”
“Good, but I don’t think I have anymore questions right now, I’ll see you later Mr. Smith.”
Ryan searches for his phone, but can’t find it.
“Calleigh, have you seen my cellphone?”
“No hon, maybe it fell into the trunk when you bowed over to peek”
“Between those creepy limbs?” Ryan shivers. “That’s even worse than dumpster diving”
“I don’t have to do that anymore. You’re my husband, you’re the gentleman. You don’t make a lady walk to trash, right?” Calleigh smiles.
“She’s so lovely…” Ryan sighs, and jumps into the trunk, to dig up his cell phone.
“Got it, yeah Tripp, Ryan here, could you send a tow truck to pick up this beautiful Corvette? Thank you. Tell the driver to drive carefully, we don’t want another piece of evidence sinking to the bottom of a canal.” Ryan jokes
“I heard that!”

Back at the lab
“Hey Valera, you already got some info on that DNA I sent you?”
“The results can pop up any moment Ryan, just a sec” Valera says. “So, you know I’m just back from a very long holiday, and I just wanted to know…I mean…you and Calleigh, it’s amazing.”
“Yeah, sometimes I can’t believe it too. But it has all gone so easily, almost by itself. One day we were drinking something in a café, and it was just like, boom, and there it was. Next night we slept together. The next Saturday we spent the whole day together. And now we’re married and have a nice child.”
“Good to hear. Ah, the results. Male DNA, sample related to database entry #038951, could be family. Let’s check who that is.” Valera immediately starts a scan in the database.
“Entry found, nice. Who is our lucky wi…OH MY GOD!” Valera shouts.
“What’s the matter Val?”
“Oh Ryan, you’re never gonna believe this. It’s, here, look by yourself.” Valera turns the screen towards Ryan.
“A. Woods? My goodness, we have to inform Horatio on this! Horatio! H!”

“So Mrs. Wolfe, Delko, the car is traced, and it belongs to a certain Jake Berkely”
“Jake…Berkely…?” Calleigh stammers.
“Isn’t that one of your ex-boyfriends Cal?” Eric asks.
“You thought I didn’t notice that? I really want to know what the hell is going on”
On that moment Ryan rushes in.
“H! H! You’re not gonna believe this. It’s ridiculous.”
“Calm down a sec, Mr. Wolfe. Just tell me what’s the matter, nice and easy.”
“The DNA, on that leg. It’s related to our own Alexx. It must be one of her sons”
“What the…Delko, you go with me, we’re going to warn Alexx. It’s her day off, and it’s early. We gotta be quick, before she’s leaving to do something. Wolfe, both you two stay here, and examine the trunk more closely.
Horatio runs out, followed by Eric.
“How close do you think he meant?” Ryan asks
“The limbs are already removed, there’s room enough”
“Cal, you should see this”
“This, come closer, follow my field of view.”
“This close?”
“Yeah, perfect…”
At that moment, Ryan takes his chance, and he kisses her…