Dear Writers...

Dear Writers:

Nice job on the new episode.

I still think Nick should date Mandy, but if you are going to give him this social worker, make her a REAL woman and not some model or twig.


Dear Writers,

I loved "Family Affair" please keep that kind of level of work up. You did a very good job balancing screen time. Made me rediscover my love for CSI.

Please give some more stories for Greg and Nick that doesn't involve some traumatic experience (Grave Danger, Stalker, Fannysmackin) while all very good episodes would love to see something new.

Also please don't overload us with one character getting all the scenes though character centered episodes are good ever once in a while, just not to much.
Dear Darling Writers:

I have a very specific, realistic idea for you. Her name is Cassie McBride.

Come chat with me... I have an idea you can buy ;)
Dear Writers,

Thanks so much for "Death and the Maiden". It was a great episode. Nice screentime balance. Nice Nick moments (minus the social worker- by the way please don't make her Nick's girlfriend- they don't mesh, there is no romantic chemistry) and awesome fun(ny) Greg moments. :) And awesome Wendy stuff too. And please have Vartann on more. Hope to see Bobby D back eventually too. :)
Dear Writers:

I concur with the above poster. She can't act.

The whole meeting was very contrived and overdone.

And the Lab Rats deserve their own show instead of just one or two episodes.

Liz Vassey and Sheri Rappaport are much better actresses than that chick you brought in to help NIck. They've got oodles of talent that you're ignorning for whatever reason.

So just make a show dedicated to the Lab Rats. End CSI Vegas if you have to do it because I'm done with it. The whole Langston scenario, social worker love interest contrived storyline has made for a very boring, dull show. Heck you're now number 10 on the list in the Nielsen Ratings and you think bringing in this hot, former girl group member is going to bring up the ratings. Give me a break.

End Vegas and create a Lab Rats show.
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Dear Writers,

We've gone 10 yrs without Nick having a love intrest on CSI. Except for the unfortunate Kristy the hooker mess, so why start now? CSI is not about romance and this social worker April is not a good match for Nick.
Dear Writers,

We've gone 10 yrs without Nick having a love intrest on CSI. Except for the unfortunate Kristy the hooker mess, so why start now? CSI is not about romance and this social worker April is not a good match for Nick.

Why because she's female?;)

I don't like her because I don't like the actress very much, but if they re-cast the actress then the character woudl be fine.
Dear Writers,

Um... In light of the above, let's get back to that Cassie McBride thing.

You probably will make very few people happy giving Nick a girlfriend. Even though he deserves one and I thought April was cute, the 30 seconds she was on the screen.

Anyway - we need to see Nick with some work/life balance. Nick really identified with Cassie and I'd love to see her come back into his life. There have been other episodes where you've brought back victims, etc. so I think this could work. And, with your social worker in place, and considering Cassie's an orphan... I think you have the stage set. It could work.

Really. We should chat.

By the way, I still love the show.
Perhaps we should move all future discussions on the disliking of April, the social worker, over into the 'Dislike an LV Character' thread. Sure it's always nice to voice an opinion, and to let the writers know if you approve or not, but lets keep the elaborations on why you may dislike a certain character, to the appropriate thread.
Dear Writers (or, more likely, Producers),

Please stop writing case files that simply show off how gross they can be and killers/perps who are one-dimensionally malevolent. This is the age of the Internet, and shock value isn't worth nearly as much. If we wanted pure gore, we could find it somewhere else. Good characters that we've grown attached to? Not so much.

Please stop turning Wendy into a crutch for Hodges. She is so much more awesome than that. Please, let a female character other than Catherine -- and one who actually stays -- be something more than, ultimately, than a male character's love interest.

Please give Riley's character a little more closure. She worked hard, put in a year, and did so much with the little that was offered her. She deserves better than to be ousted and pigeonholed as a bitter antagonist.

Please give us more Greg. Period. We've gotten Nick episodes, Cath episodes, Brass episodes, Hodges episodes and a heckuva lot of Ray episodes.

That said, much thanks for a relatively awesome season so far. This is possibly my favorite one yet.

Dear Writers,

We've gone 10 yrs without Nick having a love intrest on CSI. Except for the unfortunate Kristy the hooker mess, so why start now? CSI is not about romance and this social worker April is not a good match for Nick.

Why because she's female?;)

No. Shipping is about two individual characters, regardless of gender. A male MarySue (or should I say Gary Stu) wouldn't have been any better.
Please stop turning Wendy into a crutch for Hodges. She is so much more awesome than that. Please, let a female character other than Catherine -- and one who actually stays -- be something more than, ultimately, than a male character's love interest.

That's a good point. I never thought of it that way. But yeah, it seems the women on the show are crutches for

Dear Writers:

If you're going down the direction with this Mary Sue otherwise known as April Martin, at least let her be dysfunctional so she's more relatable. Don't turn into some hero or something.