~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Please!~

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Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

He was too busy

Yeah I know... He was too busy complaining about that horrible colour of your couch! :lol: :p

Ok ok, enough of it.... I'll shut up... ;)

BUT I'm still in a picture-posting mood!
Want another smiling one???


Aaaaaaaawwwww cuuutiiiieeee....

CSIri love your avvy btw.... :)
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

You're evil! :p Let me be delusional for a little while here. :lol:

Nice pictures btw! :)
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

lol.. I know...

what do you get when a 5'11½'' redhaired man lies down with a rifle??

you get:
and hot flashes
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

Can't help but get hot flashes when a six-foot-tall man lays down with a three-foot-long rifle ;) :lol:
And those sideburns are soooo fine! *drools*
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

Hmmm, very hot, currently controlling hot flashes with ice that's supposed to be controlling hamstring swelling.

Oh well this seems a much better use for it :lol:

If my hair was a bit longer I could so pretend to be that women from Jade, my hair is definately the right colour, maybe I could fool DC!
Oh dear it must be late I'm beginning to ramble and dream ;)
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

no harm in dreaming liz.. but I'm surprised there's still ice... if it was me.. the water would be boiling by now... ;p
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas


Damn, it's midnight already :rolleyes:
Need to get some sleep - have to work tomorrow :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

One last pic from me for today....
And yes: it's a smiling one ;)


Nightynight everyone! *waves*
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

yeah. I'm gonna go to bed too... just saw an eppy of blue.. :D so I'll have SWEET dreams
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

Horatio has much lovlier sideburns than johnny K
That's true! :lol: Oh how I love H's sideburns. Well at least there is a small amount of nakedness in NYPD.

Oh how I thank the heavans for that everyday! :devil: :lol:
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

lol... I just saw eppy 5... when he busts Halan (or what ever) and he had the cutest smile in he beginning when he and sipowicz are in the diner with the other guy.. the fat guy (sorry I just can't remeber your name) and they come in singnin happy birthday for andy... :)
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

hey guys, quick question, so far i have seen two H icons with the words "no babies", whats that about? thanks for any help :D
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