~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Please!~

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Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

thnaks.. I'm gonna go change avvy now... they are awesome...

sorry DDK.. but I don't want CSI babies
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

:lol: They're great Leela. I'm sure they'll be put to good use. I shall save one for later. Thank you! :D
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

they're awesome.. thanks... :D


anyway.. s4 of miami start here on saturday.. I'm not sure if it's a good thing though
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

Wow, this tread has exploded today and I was only on this morning :eek:

All those hot pics cheered me up no end, was a bit down cause I managed to pull my hamstring really badly playing footie yesterday :(

Funny thing though cause I have to sit around with ice on my leg, means more time to browse the site and the ice helps counteract the hot flushes from DC pics :lol:

Love that shot from Jade, I definately wouldn't mind being that lucky woman

As for NYPD, I still haven't seen it but am seriously considering a trip to HMV tomorrow!
*spots bursary in bank account, forgets that's supposed to pay the rent!*
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

Whoa! I go away for 1 hour and look what I missed? John Kelly in uniform. There is nothing more gorgeous than DC in a police uniform! :lol: :devil: Thanks for posting that pic Leela . I also love your 'No Babies' icons! :)

Love your new avvy ImS. :D
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

oh I like your avas a lot Leela sadly I won't be able to but them up until I reach 100 posts. and it certainly would be to late by then to join the protest :(
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

great ones Leela :lol: :lol:
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

Thanks everybody!!! :)

Made three more:


Oh, and if you use them, you don't need to credit me, because it wasn't my idea after all ;)

If I decide to do more I'll post the rest in the fanart thread...
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

:lol: I love those avatars too! No babies!! :mad:

That picture is not from Jade, it's from my bedroom! :eek: Where did you get that? :lol: :D
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

That picture is not from Jade, it's from my bedroom! :eek: Where did you get that? :lol: :D

yeah.. you wish.. don't you.. just like the rest of us.. :D ;p
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

That picture is not from Jade, it's from my bedroom! Where did you get that?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Haha!!! That's your bedroom? Well, I have to say that's a reeeeally ugly lamp you have..... :p

One last John-Kelly-in-uniform-piccy. And he's smiling!!! :eek:

Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

that pic is just... umm.. I wanna... ehh.. well.. lets say it like this... hmmm.. I just.. um... well..
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

Are you insulting my lamp? :eek: :lol: David didn't seem to care about the lamp.. He was too busy ;) :lol:
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