~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Please!~

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Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

Will do that, what an amazingly long special featue that is! We get about 15mins on how they created Miami

Ah very intense John Kelly in the dark currently keeping me company ;)
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

It is, I remember when I watched 'Tour of the autopsy room' on the UK season 1 DVD - it was like literally 3 minutes long, I was like 'What the hell is that?!'

Unfortunately there were no interviews with DC on NYPD, which is shame, having said that - that was recorded well after season 1 so I'm not too surprised.
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

it`s realy nice when you have own CD/DVD with DC moves or TV Show. you can watch it whne you want it and can re-turn the best scene:) (shower hahah). there is no need to go home in definite hour to not miss the new epi or to be irritate by the too many advertise on the TV which interrupt the show or move.

PS brittany0710 , docfrog i love yours ava :)
PS PS Welcome back Ducky . obviously you have a wonderful vacantion with its little discomfort :p
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

And I swear... Danish is one of the most horrible language to listen

:lol: I lived with some Danish for a few years and I couldn't agree more with you! But the funniest language award goes to Czech. :lol:

Ohh...I'm out of topic. Back to DC. I didn't realize NYPD was that old(according to MiamiDade it's 12yrs ago or more :eek:) And I remember it was on TV long time ago but didn't know it was THAT long. So yeah, makes me feel old too :p...and that means DC must be in his 30s then. Mmm...but I think I like the older DC now, mostly because of Horatio and his sideburn and...:devil: :D
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

it`s realy nice when you have own CD/DVD with DC moves or TV Show. you can watch it whne you want it and can re-turn the best scene:)
I've lost count of how many times I've re watched my favourite DC parts.

I’m really glad I have finally got NYPD, I knew that John Kelly was going to great (after reading all about him in this thread), I really did enjoy his character. I prefer H only really because that’s when I started to become a huge DC fan - I supposed your first encounter is always your favourite.
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

Now I like the older man, so have to love H. Thought I might find NYPD wierd.

How wrong was I, I absolutlely love it, the younger DC is fine, and I'm sure the way they shoot blue makes his eyes so much brighter :)

I love John Kelly, he is such a great character, very like H, he really cares, but he has more of a life! :D

But no one warned we have more than one scene of DC out of the shower, I almost fell off my chair ;)
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

Have you already seen "Steroid Roy", Footyliz? In that or the next episode, there's quite a "nice" comment from that %$§%(%&/§%&§%§ (<- translation skipped) about a "white cottage-cheese butt" :D

@ Pusher: thx :D
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

Oooo I'm working through and having fun doing it ;)

There is a lot more exposed flesh than is really good for a woman in one day, may have to take a break in a minute ;)
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

I have just nipped on line for a moment as I really have to get this out of my system, and you guys will understand!

Oh my god, I have just seen POL, and I'm soooooo in love with Dino! He was wonderful - I love him, I love him, I love him! And to see DC in army uniform was such a beautiful thing. *drools* It was so good!
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

so did I - I was just inaugurating my new TV with Dino... (he looked so funny, when the wind from the helicopter took off his cap and his hair was half dark and half red, what a wonderful target. I was glad, that the "players" didn't see him :D ) and now I'll proceed with Michael Hayes :)

@ Tink: just for you ;)
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

Oh my god, I have just seen POL, and I'm soooooo in love with Dino! He was wonderful - I love him, I love him, I love him! And to see DC in army uniform was such a beautiful thing. *drools* It was so good!

aww I know.. he's sooo beautiful in army clothes... :d I know... see I still like DC..
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

Awww thanks docfrog, I love the bit when Dino was rescuing his own hostage - I know what you mean about his cap. :lol: He had some really funny lines in it that actually made me laugh out load. :lol:
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

I love 'POL' too, I love that scene from the pic where they are sitting around! That pic is one of my absolute favourites :)
Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas

Hi all! Long time no DC post from me :( ;)

I just wanted to prove you all that I'm nuts! Totally!!!!


See for yourself:

My livingroom wall:

Close up of the 'triple pic' I made:

Stupid thing is: my friends are constantly making fun of it, when they visit me.... *pouts*
But I don't care, I got DC in my livingroom!!! Yay!!!
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