Danny/Lindsay Fanfic

Chapter 9:

Danny sat next to Lindsay, her hand clasped in his. The nurse had told Lindsay the news. Both Lindsay and Danny sat in numbed silence, both too shocked to say anything.

'Well, this is a decision you have to make Sweetheart' Danny's tone was gental and understanding, but she detected a tearse note under it.

'No, we have to make it, together" Lindsay let out a big sigh.

'Okay then, lets run through the options then'Danny's calm voice cracked slightly

'Anabortion is out, if it's yours I wouldn't be able to forgive myself, and if it's his, well, it should be allowed a life, regardless of it's father.'

'Adoption?' At this Danny's voice cracked wholey and he kissed the hand he was holding

'To wait that long, to carry a child that long, caring for it, only to abandon it because of it's origin. I don't think I could' Lindsay whispered her next words through her tears ' I need to keep it, would you be able to still love me, even if I kept his child?' she was so frightened, and every word she spoke was evidence of this.

'of course Montana, of course. I will always love you, I will always love the baby, our baby'

But you don't know It's ours'

'If we both love it and care for it, then it is ours' Danny gently stroked her hair.

The next nine months passed like summer and Lindsay gave birth. Stella was now the proud godmother of a cute, little, giggleing baby girl.

'Sorry to interrupt, but the test results are in' a petite auburn haired nurse said in a not sorry monotone voice.

'I'll go' Danny jumped up, kissing Lindsay and his daughterbefore he left.

'follow me' the nurse, Claudia, beckoned him into a private room down the hall.

In the room Claudia told Danny the news, the baby was not his.

'Let me tell Lindsay, please'

"As you will' was the curt reply.

Danny forced himself to arrange his face in such a way that wouldn't give away his sadness. He had every intention of telling Lindsay the truth, until he walked into the room and saw her glowing smile.

'So what was the result?' Her tone was light and her face full of pride as she craddled her new baby.

'You'll never believe it' Danny said