Danny/Lindsay Fanfic


Police Officer
Well, this is the first CSI: NY fan fic I've written, so could you tell me if it's completely horrible?

Chapter 1:

Danny lay awake in bed once again. At night, in his warm bed, in his small apartment bedroom, he would think. Recently his thoughts had kept him from getting any sleep at all.

Danny just couldn't figure it out. He had felt so close to Lindsay. Why was she pushing him away? He had always been there for her. Why did she seem like she couldn't care less?

He ws pulled out of these thoughts by the beeping of his alarm clock. Danny sighed. 6 o'clock came early. He got out of bed and made his way groggily to his bathroom.

By the time he was ready his reflection was the complete opposite of how he felt. Danny got in his car and drove to the lab. He always left early to beat the morning rush hour of New Yorw City.

'Hey Mac, Payton' he said passing Mac's office. The two of them had been spending a lot of time together lately. 'hmm' Danny thought.

Danny opened his locker and threw his jacket and backpack inside absent mindedly.

'Mornin' Danny'
'Mornin' Montana' Danny took his time closing his locker. He watched Lindsay carefully place her tings in hers and walk out.

'Hey, uhh, Lindsay' Danny called jogging after her. 'Uhh, would you like to go to dinner with me tonight?' He crossed his fingers in his pants pockets. Danny hoped she couldn't see the hopeful, eager anxiety on his face.

'Sure, that sounds great. I'll just have to go home after work first. Could you pick me up, say sevenish?'

'Yeah, of course I can' Danny could hardly contain his excitment, The first word coming out sort of strangled sounding.

They both turned and walked down their separate hallways. Danny doing a little air punch as he went. He didn't bother to hide his smile or bouncy walk. He had a date with Lindsay, everything was perfect right then.
Very adorable. I loved how you described the personality of Danny as a nervous, embarassed and yet, lovable character. :) It's great. I look forward to more. :D
Chapter 2:
Lindsay grinned as she walked down the hallway. Danny had finally asked her out!

Lindsay had told herself a million times a work relationship could never work. She would get hrut. Niether of them woul dbe able to work with the other. Right now she didn't want to think of what could happen. Lindsay was going to take a chance, put her haert on the line and hope.

Before she knew it, it was the end of the day. Lindsay hurried out to get ready for her date.

At home Lindsay spent twice as long on her hair and make up as usual. After she wa done you couldn't tell she'd spent the day with blood and corpses. She looked like a movie star.

The doorbell rang. She skipped down the hall, her heart fluttering, to answer it.
'hi danny, i'm justabout ready' Lindsay quikley threw her lipstick in her purse and walked out the door.
'wow, danny smells great' she thought walking pst him. She walked down the hall beside him. As they walked to the car, Danny akwardly put his arm around Lindsay's waist. He escorted her to his car and they got it.

'So, where are we goign?' Lindsay buckeled her seat belt
'Oh, Just some old place' Was his vauge answer.

Danny pulled into Strombli's Inn.

'wow, if I'd known where we were going, i'd have dressed up more' Lindsay laughed
'You're dressed perfectly' Danny said loking at her slim fgure in jeans and a flowy shirt with a plunging neckline.

The two sat upstairs in a candellit seat on the balcony. The night was filed with jokes and serious comments. They both enjoyed their meals. Both had too much to drink and consiquently took a cab to Danny's apartment.

'You sure it's oay if i stael your couch for the night?'
'yes, i'm sure'
'k' Lindsay breahted tequila on his cheek.

Lindsay put her arems around his neck and kissed him.Danny steard her to the bed as she undid his slcks. He pulled her shirt over her head. Soon the two were a tangle of skin on skin under a blue sheet.

Morning came and Danny moved to get up. Lindsay snuggled deeper into his neck.

'not yet' she whispered
They lay in bed for a little while until danny got up to get ready. Lindsay sat up in bed, her hair fell in a tired, beautuful way. She walked around the room and the other room retriving her clothes.

Out of nowwewhere Danny heard a crash.
'Lindsay, Lindsay are you okay?' he called casually. No response.
'Lindsay, Lindsay, What are you doing? Concern coated his words.

Danny ran around his house. He couldn't fid her. All he found was a note.
I have found the last
She will end like the others
Chapter 3:
Danny's mind was racing. The note didn't sound like she had left him willingly.

Danny didn't care that he was half- dressed. He sped the entire way to the lab. Hand shaking, Danny dropped the note on Mac's desk.

As he told Mac what had happened Danny paced in front of Mac's desk.

'I took her out to dinner. She came home with me after. Neither of us could drive, we took a cab. We woke up, went to get ready. That's when I heard a crash. I thought Lindsay had just dropped something. I went to see what it was. I found shattered lamp and the note. It doesn't seem like she left of her own accord.' His oice shook. Danny placed his hands agressively on Mac's desk, pantinglike he'd run a marathon.

'What was Lindsay doing whe you heard the crash?' Mac questioned.
'Gathering her clothes'
'Where were they?'
"Scattered in the living room' Danny blushed, better not to lie to his boss with Lindsay on the line.
'What did she waer for sleeping?'
'Not much' Danny's cheeks darkened

Both men jumped as Danny's cell phone rang like a siren.

'It's Messer' he answerd on the second ring.
'hello' a raspy oice wheezed. 'The others were so easy to kill. They were so young, so innocent. I will hae fun with the last. The one who condemmed me to hell. I messed up, I now will finish what I started so long ago. But first I will hae fun, she is so lovely.'
'Danny!' a muffeled high-pitched fear filled oice called in the background. 'Danny! I'm in a warehouse, near an empty street'
'Listen how she calls for you. She wants you. How much do you want her? Will you risk it all for her? The chase is on, you won't find her though, withing eightteen hours we'll both be long gone.'

The connection was cut.
Oh, the suspense! Why was Lindsay chosen? and how did he find her at Danny's? I'm curious to see that answered. Anyway, good job, look forward to an update.
Thanks for the feedback guys

Chapter 4:
Danny stared silent daggers at the phone before screaming at it.
'The bastard. The f*cking bastard!'

Mac placed a comforting hand opn his shoulder.

'Danny, calm down. Tell me, what was his voice like?' Mac's voice was soothing.

With a shaky hand Danny dropped the phone to Mac's desk.

'His voice? His voice wasdeep. Lindsay was screamingin the background. Oh god mac we have to find her! We have less than 12 hours to find her! Danny's voice was edged with hysteria.


Lindsay woke with a throbbing headache. She was moving. Her vision was blurred when she opened her eyes. The were crates an boxes around her.

She tried and failed to move her arms and legs. They wee bound. Lindsay looked down at herself. She felt exposed, wearing only a bra and jeans.

The car she was in bounsed over somethingon the road. Consequentally she bounced with it, landing hard and hitting her head on teh roof, Her cheek getting cut on the corner of a box.

'F*ck' Lindsay muttered as a sharp pain stabbed at her haed and blood smeared across her cheek and the floor.

Lindsay closed her eyes and envisioned herself as she was mere hours ago, wrapped safely in Danny's arms.

Before sheknew it, Lindsay was blindfolded anddragged roughly out of the trunk of a car.She was carelessly thrown on the cold hardness of a cement floor.

'Hello princess.' The man, his face coverde, fentally took off her blindfold. 'well now, here is the one that got away.' He said in his most charming voice.

'F*ck you' Lindsay spat at him
'Oh don't you worry, you'll get the chance to f*ck me soon enough.' he traced her jaw with his thumb.

Lindsay's phone vibrated in her pocket. She knew it was the reminder she's set to remember to pick upher perscritptions before work. Theman reached into her pocket and drew it out. Hewentthrough the listof namesin her adress list. Hewas most amused when he saw one labeled Danny<3.

'Oh, does my princess have a boyfriend now' he teased, holding up the cell with Danny's name highlighted. 'I wonder what he'd say if I phoned him right now?' The masked man mused. He pushed the send button. He laughed as Lindsay tried to tell Danny where she was as he talked to him, as he challenged Danny to find her in 12 hours.