danny/lindsay daze of wine and roaches.

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when danny , lindsay and adam were in the lab it looked like danny was surprised but pleased when Lindsay new something about wine. And than Danny shot adam an Thats my girl look than adam shot back a look like u and lindsay :D?No way U HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!
I noticed that look too. I thought that it was really interseting to see Adam's reaction to sort of finding out about them.
Er, I'm not sure what this thread is for--are you trying to discuss the episode, or do you have a question, Observaent? :)
FAYLINN i'm trying to discuss that episode ... did u see that eppy? oh ya when lindsay, danny and Flack were in the wine cellar it looked like Flack knew somethin. well maybe flack thought he knew something and then thought nah it couldn't be well..... could it?
speedymeg25 said:
I noticed that look too. I thought that it was really interseting to see Adam's reaction to sort of finding out about them.
.do u guys think that maybe everyone knows? Like i mean last season ( when lindsay and danny worked that case were they found that girl in the water)Sid and Lindsay were leaning over the girl(sara) Lindsay asked Sid do u think danny calls me Montana because i'm a 49ers fan? sid replies:he calls u montana because he has a crush on u. SO I THINK SID IS PROBABLLY THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS FOR SURE, AND HOPEFULLY THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN KEEP A SECRET
Yep, I saw the episode. I didn't see anything in the scene with Flack, and the scene with Adam seemed...edited strangely. One second Danny and Adam look clueless, and the next second we're supposed to believe that they're sharing a conspiratorial look? Er, not so much.

I'm not fond of the Danny/Lindsay nonsense, but I haven't seen anything to indicate that, if there is meant to be something going on, that it's any kind of secret.

(There's also a thread all about Danny/Lindsay over in the Shipper Central forum. ;))

ETA: Also, please don't post more than once in a row--the mods will let you know that's against the rules. ;) You can edit your post for up to 24 hours. :)

As for any upcoming episodes, you can ask questions in the "Spoiler thread" pinned at the top of the forum.
Thanks for your posts, Fay.

I'm going to close this thread because we already have a thread devoted to discussion of this episode and we have a Danny/Lindsay shipper thread.

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