Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

heeheehee...the fluffiness is spreading like the plauge. between the Fluffy!Folk and the Flackies my numbers are growing...and if i could somehow harness this power...i could rule the world!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHA! :devil:

*switches off evil dictator brain*

sorry...woke up and decided i wanted to be an evil dictator this morning. again.

so a twister fic, huh? that seems overtly ridiculous and right up my alley. hrmm...will ponder on this.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

Twister- are you sure there's enough room in the broom closet for them to play it?

I just updated my fic. Please read and review! The more you review, the faster I update. And post my broom closet fic...
Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

Twister- are you sure there's enough room in the broom closet for them to play it?
Lol sure there's enough room Pizza! They just gotta get really close to do it! :devil: :lol:

And Em how's the harnassing the Fluffy Power goin? Let me know when you figure out how to do that, it's something that could come in very handy! :lol: :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

Hi Sophie and Allie welcome to the FluffyFolk ranks.

Awsome story Sophie

Em your insane.

Pizza, they'll just have to get reall close together, right on top of eachother.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

they'll just have to get reall close together, right on top of eachother.
Yup that's what'll have to happen Amanda...lol...Hello Gutter thoughts! **Moriel grins eviley and dances away to the gutter!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

AmandaSzmanda said:
Em your insane.

you knew this already. come on.

and harnessing the fluffy power is going to take some work. but i will do it.

anyway, twister is very possible in the broom closet. you just have to take all the stuff that's in the broom closet out. and stuff it in another closet. yup.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

Yeah, I did, but I had to make sure you did.

We just leave the twister board and those two in, but wait, who would spin the thing-y? (Wow, that did not sound right, the spinner thing that says where to put your body part, neither did that, oh I give up)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

i'm well aware.

and did you mean the spinner, Amanda?

yeah. we can shout where the hands have to go through the peephole. we can do it from outside the closet, that's not a problem. it's more of the getting them to actually play the game.

hrmm...that's the challenge.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

Lindsay: This sucks
Danny: It does?
Lindsay: yes, how would we play Twister without a colour board?
Danny: I can think of a better game.
Lindsay: Oh, yeah?
Danny: Yeah, it involves me and you and the Twister mat, and your hands all over me.
Lindsay: Sounds good to me.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

The spinner thing that you spin and you go "Left hand red" and stuff like that. I was watching Hot Chick and this girl was dressed as a twister board and a guy came up and went "Right hand red," ANd put it on the red spot, located on her butt, then she moved his other hand and said "Left hand blue" and now I am picturing Danny and Lindsay doing that.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

Gotta love Twister and 'The Fluffies'....Do we really want them to have much room in the broom closet for Twister? Half the fun of playing Twister is falling all over each other! :devil:

I'm taking a late lunch today and decided to drop in and say that whatever you all decide about a thread title is cool with me. We seem to move quickly in here. So if one thread title doesn't make it this time, it might be good to go for the next thread title. I'm thinking we might just end up getting to #11 by the time season three airs. :lol:

I love your little dialogue, Sophie. ;)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

Moriel21 said:
...lol...Hello Gutter thoughts! **Moriel grins eviley and dances away to the gutter!**

Ah! Ah! Wait for me! *sees a picture of Danny shirtless and keels over with a nosebleed* (for those of you who watch japanese cartoons, this is what the characters do every time they have perverted thoughts)
Wow, I leave for a few days, and now we are only a few more pages away from a new thread. And there are new people! The M&M phenomenon has gripped the world! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha... :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

And you all say I live in the gutter :lol:

Nekkid!Twister in the broom closet! :devil: Danny's winning now, so Linds can take off her shirt first.. ..

Vote? What are we voting on???

*Looks at Em* No comment.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

SecretSophie said:
Lindsay: This sucks
Danny: It does?
Lindsay: yes, how would we play Twister without a colour board?
Danny: I can think of a better game.
Lindsay: Oh, yeah?
Danny: Yeah, it involves me and you and the Twister mat, and your hands all over me.
Lindsay: Sounds good to me.

:lol: That's awesome!!!!

So are we voting again or not? I'm so confused about that!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #9 - "Even Hammerback Knows"

Lynn, you do like in the gutter, just all of the rest of us do to.

Shirt? Why does everyone do shirts first, you odviously go for the pants :devil:
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