I agree taking care of Danny might have worn her out.Ya im happy with thinking that to. Im sure after having to take care of Danny being in a wheelchair took it out of her so I can understand her not being there. I still missed her!!!
:devil: I bet he wore her out a lot already... Okay, I'll stop. :lol: But really, it's not my fault I couldn't help but think about something else. I agree though, I think the weeks and months (I just assume that a couple of months passed during all those episodes) weren't easy for both of them. I bet handling baby and job and their marriage already is difficult, but then I'm sure this situation made it even harder. I like how Lindsay kept on encouraging Danny though and made him talk. They didn't act that way in season 4 and I'm glad they showed them this way this time.
To come back to that awesome scene we got last week. Aww, I still can't stop imagining how they chose their apartment (I think they moved in a new place because I'm not sure if either of their apartments would have been big enough) and how they chose all the stuff for the baby... That's just so cute to imagine! I also wonder if the others helped them to decorate everything. Or if Danny did it while Lindsay was in Montana. Cute ideas!!!