Head of the Day Shift
DW. Danny and Lindsay first got together in the season 3 Finale. Not much was shown in regards to their relationship until mid season 4, when Danny had an affair with his neighbor. After the episode aired where it revealed Danny's affair, there was a lot of debate as to how serious D/L's relationship was at the time. Near the end of season 4 Danny ended his affair and tried to get back with Lindsay. That was the last time their relationship was mentioned until Lindsay told Danny she was pregnant in episode 9 of season 5. Anna's real life pregnancy and TPTB deciding to write that in, made them change the original storyline they had planned for D/L in season 5.--no one knows what that was going to be--which is why there was next to no interaction between them for 10 episodes--two at the end of season 4 and 8 at the beginning of season 5. They got married in episode 17 of season 5. Hope that helps.
Thank's much MS I appreciate this. WOW, lots of stuff I missed. I think another show was opposite this at and in those episodes on Miami, so I missed them. I really got riveted to the show in the "trilogy" "Bone Voyage" and have kept up since then. But their so cute together and so in tune I enjoy watching their camraderie with one another