Sweetie, I sent the memo out, she's not a recurring character! I'm not overly optimistic but I stand by my theory on that one. She's a
previous recurring character, not a current recurring character. Please don't let her stay
I promise I'll behave and everything if she just comes for a flying visit. Please? :lol: I don't mind her just no with the angst! cheating situations.
It is really wrong how excited we're getting with the thought of Lindsay's new beau? Plus our ultra active imaginations with the Nelly & Lindsay combo? Sweet!
Oh never mind the Maroon 5 soundtrack, let's just crack open the Dilemma. Aaawwww
So I'm really thinking that the way Linds starts getting interested in randomreallyhotguy AKA Nelly/Jensen Ackles/Justin Hartley(he's been in NY before, could work
) is because she
does find out about Rikki and really says to herself, 'Self, get a grip and step away from the ohsohotandheartbreaking Danny Messer before you get all suicidal!' We'll leave that for the
*sighs, I'm not saying that again* SMM. Lindsay to the rescue!