Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Welcome Twinny, nieces, fluffies, angsties, flungsties, shippers, and newbies to the haven of Danny and Lindsay love! Our ship has sailed, the ocean is calm, the sun is out, and WE ARE CANON Y'ALL!! Oh the joy...Super Ep solidified what we already knew to be true...these two are IN LOVE! So....**Mo giggles and passes out m&m's, cookies, soda, and confetti to everyone!** sit back, relax, and enjoy the utter loveliess of D/L! :D


Here is a little something I cooked up...call it a "D/L recap"! ;)

It started at the zoo,
the teasing from day one,
the attraction was immediate,
that no one could deny.
She got a nickname,
One she secretly loved.
He did a double take,
Wow she cleaned up good!
He met her for a drink,
And smiled for a week.
She ate the spider,
And he watched with glee.
She swooned in his arms,
As he made tracks.
Would it turn you on,
She wanted to know.
She knows her football,
And he almost proposed.
She stood by his side,
And gave him her strength,
He teased her about wheat,
And she learned of his crush,
He was concerned just for her,
And gave her a ride.
She risked her life,
And he held her close,
He risked his heart,
And she asked him to wait.
So he waited for her,
And watched as she cried,
She left to go home,
See you soon not goodbye.
He got on a plane,
She faced down the evil,
He held her hand,
And she leaned on his shoulder.
He held her close,
She pulled them closer,
Their lips almost met,
Damn those reporters!
So it started with teasing,
Then grew into love,
Now together forever,
Their souls are connected!



This thread is continued from here...
DL Thread 14
^^That poem is amazing!! Mo you rock!! Hurrah for the new thread *dances around and throws more confetti* The collage is stunning. Woot for our ship, finally it's off into the glorious sunset. Nothing can stop us now. D/L are strong and CANON!!!! *skips off to class*
Wow, new thread?! :D

Oh, Mo, the Blend is pretty...and you but the right pic's in it ;)
The poem is awesome!! I love it!

We are CANON,baby!!
WOW new thread in honor of the their new relationship
again all I have to say is ... FINALLY :D

It should be interesting how things go in the lab and if they are going to hide it or not ;)
^^I hear ya hhunter. It may have taken them over a season to get together but now they are :D

:lol: I hope everyone else finds out...can't wait to see their reactions. :eek: I can only imagine their faces hehe.

Hurrah!!! Gather around the new thread and celebrate all that is Danny and Lindsay ;)
Yay new thread!!!!! *throws M&M's*dances*

Man DL are so freaking canon it makes me smile like an idiot, :lol: ealier my mum was talking and I swear she said the word Moo... and I smiled.. I think I've gone crazy o_O DL Crazy!

DL moments for new thread!! wooooyeah.

-The Hug

-Perfect fit (as we all know now)

-He's her prince charming *giggle*

-Moo =D

-The bug 'date'

Okay okay. I'll stop now. I promise. LOL. But *SQUEE*

*sings* 'Danny and Lindsay sitting in a tree... k-i-s-s-i-n-g' MAN I love tptb.. hopefully we will have lots more to come. No, we WILL have more to come... we are canon... and sailing like no ship before.. ahaha :D

**stupid IMG codes won't work. Arg. Oh well, I put links in instead :)
Wow Congrats to everyone on the new thread! That last one went by so fast. Since everyone knows about Mac/Peyton I wonder if Danny & Lindsay will tell everyone too. Or if they will try to keep it to themselves for awhile. Or will they try to go for more angst and try to create a few more problems before they offically get together? ;)
Whoohoo! A new thread! This one loads a lot quicker for me!

I think, fwiw, that the lab is going to see a picture of them together from the trial...all those cameras flashing *just* right before they kiss, those pictures just have to surface!

I think it's going to be GREAT!
Hello, hello, Hello! Welcome to the new hotness that is our CANON COUPLE!! Heehee, I don't think I'll ever get tired of saying that...it just sounds so dang fabulous! Yay for a new thread, quick two more people post in the old one so we can close it out! ;) (And so Modie doesn't whack me...I wub you Modie hon! :lol: )

Good things are coming for our ship y'all I can feel it! I can't wait to see how things will develop and what they will show in upcoming episodes! Will we get a kiss, an "I love you", so many wonderful possibilities! Cannot wait to see where our ship will go! But no matter where it goes I KNOW it will be good, cuz we're CANON baby and that right there says it all!! :D :D :D

ETA: Okay the other thread is done now...so YAY for an officially new D/L thread...Modie thanks for letting us keep this one! I owe you one, big time! You rock!! :D And YAY for D/L #15 y'all!!!! :D :D :D
Yhoo! New thread. I will admit, I wasn't too fond of them as a couple. They just started to grow on me and after that super ep, I am glad to call them a new fave ship of mine.
*throws confetti* (sorry no sweets for me - it's almost spring :p)

The OP is awesome Mo! - That poem is so sweet :) and who in here can ever get tired of those beautiful pic's? :D

I come baring gifts:

A great 'ship' quote:
We rest here while we can, but we hear the ocean calling in our dreams. And we know by the morning that the wind will fill our sails to test the seams. The calm is on the water and part of us would linger by the shore, for ships are safe in harbour, but that is not what ships are for.
~Michael Lille

The thread title list:
#01 – One look is al it takes
#02 – Walruses uncensored
#03 – Lean on me
#04 – You had me from ‘How ya doin’
#05 – Rough sects
#06 – Make tracks cowboy
#07 – Breaking protocol for you
#08 – Still want that ride?
#09 – Even Hammerback knows
#10 – Does it turn you on?
#11 – Don’t bet against the country girl!
#12 – Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!
#13 – She likes him . . . A LOT!!
#14 - What'd you have in mind?

And 2 WP's:

I don't know what TPTB have in store for us, but I'm positive that there will be lots of fluffy ;) and angsty :eek: moments to keep us on edge for a very, very long time. :D
WooHoo---The 15th thread---my 11th D/L thread! Yea! :) Smi, Vex, and I have been here for those! Bringing strawberries and champagne for the opening and soda for everyone under 21. ;)

I am so glad to see so many shippers! Some I think are from other places like DLC and some are new to the D/L shipping world I guess. It's all cool. :D I love all of the gorgeous pictures, banners, and wallpapers. :) :) :)

Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, my Fluffy Twin---your poem is like totally awesome. (Why do thread openings make me sound like some 80's valley girl?) Anyway, you should post that on a livejournal! How many people think that Mo should have a livejournal? Raise your hands! :D

This, our 15th thread, is a celebration of our Canon ship (yes, I said Canon). We celebrate the love, the tears, the joy, and what is yet to come. LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL! :cool:

See y'all later. Happy shipping! :)
Holy Cow! I missed like four pages between this thread and the last! Nice name btw, it's perfect. *Throws Confetti in honor of new thread* Hey Aud hope you've been good.

The good times a re SOOOO gonna roll in here, especially the way things have been going with these two. I can't wait for next episode. I wat some DL friendly interaction so bad... and talking between them too!

I love the poem, Moriel :)!!

Great wallpapers, dutch!!

I wat some DL friendly interaction so bad... and talking between them too!
Me too, Radical, me too. I'm so looking forward for tensionless scenes,that include other characters too.

I made a new DL video to the music Ever The Same, my name is spriteandcola on youtube.:)
Woo-hoo! Got out of work early so I didn’t miss page 1!

Time for a present:


*drinks some of aud’s champagne to toast our new thread and our ship*

Tristianna, you were just a closet D/L shipper and it took ya a lil’ bit to realize it. You are in the right place now!

audacity said:
How many people think that Mo should have a livejournal? Raise your hands! :D
Me! Me! *waves hand wildly in air* Mo, I am working on one, so if I can do it, you can too!

Ooh, darx I am definitely going to check out your new vid next time I have high speed access!

audacity said:
This, our 15th thread, is a celebration of our Canon ship (yes, I said Canon).
Ya hear that, Lynny? CANON! *blows kisses* Gawd, I loved Super Ep!
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