Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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Yay! Hi Y'all!! Welcome to our new thread celebrating the gorgeous Miss Monroe and the devastatingly handsome Mr. Messer! Yay, yay, yay for a new thread!! Wohoo!! :D :D

**Moriel dances around happily and passes out M&M's, cookie dough, bubbly drinks, confetti, and water guns cuz Aud said so!!**

Yay, y'all our ep is in 2 days...as in 48+ hours...SWEET!!!

And in honor of our lovely new thread...here's a present just for y'all...:

Oh and this is continued from here...:
YEAH for Moriel!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah for new thread----cute Danny/Linds----her nickname! LOL!

I've brought beer, pretzels, m&ms, and pie...let's have a fun one!!!!
Yay I did it! :lol: Lol...thanks Aud! **hugs to you Fluffy Twin!!** and Lynny lol! **huggles my secretly fluffy pal!**

Yeah the title was so long I thought "Linds" was fitting! :D
Beer, pretzels, and pie...rock on Aud! Yummy! :D
yay! new thread! cool thread name, btw! congrats, you guys! bring in the ultimate shipper goodness! ;) now, back to my tedious case studies... :(
Yay! Thanks for the new thread Mo!!! I love it! *Does New Thread happy dance and throws lots and lots of confetti* I'm in love with the name.

I cannot wait until Wenesday! I'm so looking forward to it.

I was gonna say something else, and now I can't remember. Gosh I hate it when I do that!
For some reason I was having trouble signing onto this site, and what a wonderful present I see, when the site returned.

I love that picture, I love the way that their stances "mirror" each other.
I had the same trouble too, V.

Its what shipping does to you. You notice things, hey auda how long did it take you notice things? :p
*throws confetti*

Happy new thread shippers! :D

Unfortunately, I must now return to the realms of: AP Psychology, AP Literature, and Probability & Statistics.

Ew. Gross.

But, only 2 more days guys, till OUR episode.
I agree with you all that I think the hug is going to be short (if you take a looksie at the promo for s3, the hug moved really fast...you know, when we had to pause and go 'Wait...that IS Lindsay, right?' before we realized it. LOL)

But, a hug is a hug. So, he may pull her into the hug fast, but they may stay like that for a second or two. Long enough to get good screencaps. ;)

*waves at Mo, Auda, Vex, Lynn, & everyone else!*
See you all soon.
*looks around stealthily*
*throws an M&M pie at someone*
*runs out of the thread like a little girl*

Smi hi! **joins dancing with Smi!**
I'm in love with the name.
Lol, yeah it's a good one huh! I swear it's gonna send me to the gutter every time I read it...I love it! :devil: :lol:

Vex I've had a few issues today with signing on here too...maybe it's just cuz there are so many of us on here! :D And yeah isn't it fun how they're totally copying eachother in that pic...lol! They're spending so much time together they're turning into copycats...it's great! :D
Its what shipping does to you. You notice things, hey auda how long did it take you notice things?
Lol, ain't that the truth Lynn! We shippers are experts at catching all sorts of little things like that! ;) And as for Aud...she's the queen of body language, got that degree in it and everything! :D

Hi Jenn! **waves!** School work huh...fun for you! :p
I agree with you all that I think the hug is going to be short
Yeah but that's what pause and slow-motion are for! ;) And of course rewind, to watch it over and over and over and...yeah y'all get the idea! :lol:

M&M pie...huh Jenn? YUM!! Bring it on chica! :lol:

**tosses chocolate chip pie at Lynn, Aud and everyone else....and then grabs her super soaker water gun and hides!!**
Yeah thread #12 already; holy hell. Considering our ship has only had one season together compared to all these other ships which have had a couple years now- I'm amazed. Thought I must admit TPTB have been really really nice to us.

Moriel I adore that picture of the two of them; god are they hot :)

Anyway I come with a present for you all; I wrote a new fic (see what so many wonderful reviews does to me :D). It's a stand alone and in a weird POV but here’s the link:

Into You.

Remember if it doesn't work check under Girlygirl over at fanficiton.net. Please tell me what you all think, A.K.A- LEAVE A REVIEW!!! :lol:

Ok guys. I know you're all happy about the new thread and the new episode Wednesday but keep in mind the point of the thread isn't about the number of posts but about staying ON TOPIC.

We need to get back ON TOPIC and keep in mind that your posts must include more than just saying "Yay new thread" or "Read my fic".

Thanks for cooperating. ;)
Hiya CSIM! Welcome to our lovely new thread...isn't it pretty! **Moriel pets the new thread happily...it's just so fun and purty! :lol:** Awww right...ON TOPIC, lol! My bad CSIM...we'll be good we promise! ;)
Here have some... **Moriel searches the new thread cupboards....** Ohhhh! Here's a nice Fudgsicle and a nice pina colada just for you! :D **hugs to our lovely mod!**

GirlyGirl Hi! I know isn't it awesome how far we've come so quickly! I LOVE it! It really doesn't seem like it's only been one season of our ship...it just seems like D/L's been together forever! Lol! :lol: **Fluffies the world over...sigh!**

Yeah G.G. they are totally hot...seriously yummy! :devil:
Ohhhh I love new ficcie presents...they're the best! Yay! Thanks G.G....and I'll make sure I leave a nice review for ya! ;)

I know Linds goes undercover...but does she actually dress up as a Holly Golightly...no wait she doesn't does she...cuz that's all over in the first 2 minutes huh....hmmm...

Cannot wait for our ep...WOHOO!!! :lol:
Moriel21 said:
I know Linds goes undercover...but does she actually dress up as a Holly Golightly...no wait she doesn't does she...cuz that's all over in the first 2 minutes huh....hmmm...

Lindsay goes under cover as the hostage’s friend not as a Holly Golightly. The bank heist thing is another case I think and yeah it is all over in the first two minutes.

Ohh seriously G.G.? Huh...wait so...
for some reason I was thinking the Holly G. girls pulled off the robbery, and then one of them ended up getting hurt or something and so Linds has to go undercover as that one to get the other one out...I don't know why I think that...lol :lol:, don't know if I heard that somewhere or if I just think that...I dunno...hmmm, guess we'll see, lol!

Yay for our ep, yay for our ep...oh man y'all I am WAY TOO excited for this ep :lol:...I don't know if I'll survive and if it doesn't go how I want... **breathing in....out...in...out....okaaaay....calm down Mo!** But I'm being positive and calm and happy...lol! :D

Aud where are you? I think I'm starting to freak out...lol! :lol:
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