Danny/Flack #7: Flack Makes It His Business

Shytownmofo said:
I can picture Danny as a "Cherubic Catamount" I'm seeing an apple cheeked siamese cat, tawny gold in color. Just a bit scruffy/fluffy, and can be a bit of a stinker sometimes.
Perhaps one like this?


I can so see Danny owning a cat like that. But poor Flack, if he still has his cat allergies, being in the same room with it is going to make his nose itch and run like there's no tomorrow. :lol:

I can also see Flack..."Hey, Danno, come check this out."
"What, Flack?"
"This, Kitten."
*Don jumps on Danny, strips him and Devours him*
Brings whole new meaning to the term "Here, kitty kitty," and especially "Kitty wanna eat?" :devil::evil:
Mwahahaah! :devil: Maybe they'll even go as far as roleplay? I hear there's a certain buttplug that has a long, fluffy tail attached to it so when inserted, it looks like the person has a tail. :devil: :devil: :devil: I also heard that certain types can 'wag' if you *ahem* squeeze hard enough, if ya get my drift. :devil: Imagine Danny using one! :eek: :lol:

Top41 said:
1csimfan said:
The boys just couldn't keep those mouths closed.:lol: And just what IS Danny looking at?:devil:
:lol: Clearly a preview of things to come! It's cute how even after all this time, Danny is still surprised by Flack's considerable size. :devil: The next day was definitely going to be a waddle day...if poor Flack's plans for how the evening was supposed to go hadn't gone awry because of that pesky murder.
And look, Danny's mouth is already in automatic preparation mode even though they're still in public. :devil: :devil: :devil: :p

Flacknatic said:
Here's a cute photo comic I did of the boys, enjoy all!

:guffaw: Yeah, and something tells me they don't care that the world does know!

By the way, please to be writing a minimum of three sentences per post. Anti-spam measures and all that. Thanks!
ahahah!I discover one piggish cat :devil::

He likes to use his small tiger tooth to lure the Flack:evil:!Uh......Hot!
And, guess, Flack's expression?:confused:
with everyone share my production:
:alienblush: <--- Danny after seeing Flack naked for the first time. ;D

...when will that happen?
There needs to be more nudity on these CSI shows, lolololol.
So many adorable people, too much clothes. D:<
:alienblush: <--- Danny after seeing Flack naked for the first time. ;D

...when will that happen?
There needs to be more nudity on these CSI shows, lolololol.
So many adorable people, too much clothes. D:<

Okay, so this thread is rather dirtier than the Nick/Greg thread, but I can get it. In between seasons, we have to find something to amuse ourselves with. And, hey, HarleyQuinn, welcome to the, "People who ship The Love and Danny/Flack aswell" club. There's quite a lot of us, acutally... :)

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I'm not surprised. [=
They're the most adorable couple on CSY:NY. <3
But Danny/Rikki is close behind them. :3

And yes, it should be on Showtime so we can see some nudity... or at least a butt. xD
ZhuShuaijie said:
ahahah!I discover one piggish cat :devil::

He likes to use his small tiger tooth to lure the Flack:evil:!Uh......Hot!
:guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: OMG, that is the funniest thing I've seen all day! The 'sausage, sausage, sausage, sausage ...' is making my sides hurt, hahahaahah! Oh yeah, I bet Flack's big like one of them giant Italian salamis, eh? :devil: :devil: :devil:

And *gasp* fresh mea- I mean, a newcomer! :D Welcome, HarleyQuinn, to the D/F thread! Always nice to see new people here.

HarleyQuinn said:
:alienblush: <--- Danny after seeing Flack naked for the first time. ;D
Indeed, Flack is very likely of an ... impressive size. :devil: ;)

Katlynn888 said:
Dude, that is an awesome idea! Showtime also happens to be the same channel that airs Queer as Folk. :devil: That show sure didn't hold back on the gay sex scenes, did it? :devil: :devil: :devil: Just imagine: a CSI:NY spinoff starring Danny and Flack ala Queer as Folk. Oh my! :eek: :drool: :drool: :drool:
Yes, indeed. We needs more nudities. Danny's painted on shirts and bending down all the time just aren't cutting it.

How about Danny and Flack get exposed to something that they think might be lethal, but it turns out that they're not exposed to anything, really, except in the decontamination shower, where we get to see everything.

Something A la Greg and Sara in the LV season 5 ep "4x4, but with the camera going just a bit further south.....:devil: Now that's primetime TV I'd pay to see.

BTW, which network was it that had NYPD Blue on with David Caruso and the "Nudity Warning?" Was that CBS or NBC? I think a little "Nudity Warning " would be nice for CSI and CSI:NY. Heck, a Crossover ep, where we get both Nick and Greg, as well as Flack/Danny. Completely bollicky bareass nekkid. :thumbsup:
Yes, indeed. We needs more nudities. Danny's painted on shirts and bending down all the time just aren't cutting it.

How about Danny and Flack get exposed to something that they think might be lethal, but it turns out that they're not exposed to anything, really, except in the decontamination shower, where we get to see everything.


BTW, which network was it that had NYPD Blue on with David Caruso and the "Nudity Warning?" Was that CBS or NBC? I think a little "Nudity Warning " would be nice for CSI and CSI:NY. Heck, a Crossover ep, where we get both Nick and Greg, as well as Flack/Danny. Completely bollicky bareass nekkid. :thumbsup:

We definitely need a few more little sneak previews in season five. ^_^ And as much as I love and appreciate every little scrap they throw us when it comes to a nekkid Messer, I feel we've been sorely underexposed the glory that we all KNOW is Flack.

I think it was Fox that first aired NYPD Blue and were required to show that warning. It had to be either Fox or CBS at least since I know it aired here without said warning on the CanWest Global Television Network which means it was syndicated from Fox or CBS.
Duuuuuuuuuudes! Carmine and Eddie were in Rome! :D :D :D


:lol: Awwwww, look at the grin on Eddie's face! Is it not the same when Flack smiles at Danny on the show too? So nice to see da lurve is truly genuine and goes beyond the show itself! Man, ya stick a plug up Eddie's butt at that point in the time and he could probably light up NYC for a month. :lol: What is Carmine doing there anyway?! Posing like a supermodel? Maybe that's why Eddie's smiling at him like he' s saying, "Aww, that's my boy, isn't he great?"

And guys ... have you noticed how similar their clothes are? ;)
I swear to you guys, the first thing that popped into my head when I saw these was the following:

Either they've started shopping together or they got together in the hotel beforehand to coordinate their outfits. :p

Eddie's smile could most DEFINATELY light up the city for a while, Kimmy!! :D

Needless to say, they both look FANTASTIC!!
ahahah!I discover one piggish cat :devil::

He likes to use his small tiger tooth to lure the Flack:evil:!Uh......Hot!
And, guess, Flack's expression?:confused:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Danny does seem to have noticed something he likes...perhaps Flack's excitement at seeing him??? :devil: And oh yeah, Danny likes Flack's sausage. :devil: :devil: :devil:

That little pointy tooth really is so cute. I have no doubt that Flack is as taken with it as we are! :D

with everyone share my production:

Awwww, I love how it looks like Danny is leaning into Flack so that their heads are touching! :D True love indeed. :D

Duuuuuuuuuudes! Carmine and Eddie were in Rome! :D :D :D


:lol: Awwwww, look at the grin on Eddie's face! Is it not the same when Flack smiles at Danny on the show too? So nice to see da lurve is truly genuine and goes beyond the show itself! Man, ya stick a plug up Eddie's butt at that point in the time and he could probably light up NYC for a month. :lol: What is Carmine doing there anyway?! Posing like a supermodel? Maybe that's why Eddie's smiling at him like he' s saying, "Aww, that's my boy, isn't he great?"

Wow, Eddie, that's some smile. :lol: :D Could Eddie be any happier? I love what cute little dorks they are together. Carmine's strutting like a peacock and Eddie is loving every minute of it. :lol:

And guys ... have you noticed how similar their clothes are? ;)

Carmine's outfit appears to be a shade lighter in color than Eddie's and his shirt is tucked in, but otherwise, yeah, they're pretty much wearing the same thing. :lol: Too cute. :lol:
Redsiren said:
I swear to you guys, the first thing that popped into my head when I saw these was the following: Either they've started shopping together or they got together in the hotel beforehand to coordinate their outfits. :p
:lol: Either thought is adorable! They're spending so much time together they're instinctively wearing the same sort of clothes without even realizing it! Dudes, remember Eddie saying he and Carmine are the only ones who smoke on set and that 'smoking makes for good relationships'?! :devil: Me thinks clothes are the least of what they share, if ya get my drift. :devil: :devil: :devil: ;)

Top41 said:
That little pointy tooth really is so cute. I have no doubt that Flack is as taken with it as we are! :D
:devil: Flack must often have very unique-looking hickies, hm? :devil: Like, he got nibbled on by a vampire or something. :lol: :devil:

Wow, Eddie, that's some smile. :lol: :D Could Eddie be any happier? I love what cute little dorks they are together. Carmine's strutting like a peacock and Eddie is loving every minute of it. :lol:
:lol: Fo srs! It's like he's in heaven and he's showing off to the entire world what it is that makes him feel like he's in heaven: Carmine! :lol: :D

And finally!


We has a pictah of Eddie and Carmine standing side by side! Wow, look how tall Eddie is! Carmine only reaches to the level of his eyes, and it looks like AJ's a little taller than Carmine too. Awww, manwich. :D AJ, please to stop be borrowing your ties from Flack. There's a reason why we tend to concentrate on his face when he's at work and in his suits, ya know. :p

So ladies and gentlemen, now we have full-on proof just how perfect Danny's and Flack's heights are for each other. :D Verily, Danny can snuggle-wuggle into Flack's chest while Flack can easily wrap his arms around his kinka-poodle. And *ahem* as Top41 pointed out to me, their hips are well aligned indeed. :devil: :devil: :devil:

(*pfbbt*Hahahaha! Did you guys notice in this picture, it's AJ's turn to clothes-coordinate with Carmine? :lol: Well, from the waist down anyway. If they're taking turns by the day, I can't wait to see what Carmine clothes-coordinates with Eddie again!)
:lol: Fo srs! It's like he's in heaven and he's showing off to the entire world what it is that makes him feel like he's in heaven: Carmine! :lol: :D

Awwww, seriously, their joy in each other is so cute! :D

And finally!


We has a pictah of Eddie and Carmine standing side by side! Wow, look how tall Eddie is! Carmine only reaches to the level of his eyes, and it looks like AJ's a little taller than Carmine too. Awww, manwich. :D AJ, please to stop be borrowing your ties from Flack. There's a reason why we tend to concentrate on his face when he's at work and in his suits, ya know. :p

So cute! The three look great together. :D

So ladies and gentlemen, now we have full-on proof just how perfect Danny's and Flack's heights are for each other. :D Verily, Danny can snuggle-wuggle into Flack's chest while Flack can easily wrap his arms around his kinka-poodle. And *ahem* as Top41 pointed out to me, their hips are well aligned indeed. :devil: :devil: :devil:

I love how perfectly sized they are for each other. Flack can just envelop Danny in an embrace, and Danny can nuzzle into it and put his head on Flack's shoulder. We know Flack loves protecting Danny, and it's cute that he can kind of do that physically, too. :D

And finally, a cute little snippet from one of the Rome interviews (translated from the Italian):

What other character of CSI NY you would have liked
interpret, apart from your?

A. J. Buckley: I like all the characters of CSI NY.

Eddie Cahill: the role of Carmine I would
sorry at all.

Carmine Giovinazzo: I would have liked to interpret
the character of Eddie.

AWWWWWWW!!! :D Eddie fangirls Carmine, and Carmine fangirls him right back. :D
AWWWWWWW!!! :D Eddie fangirls Carmine, and Carmine fangirls him right back. :D
That is so adorable. :D

So ladies and gentlemen, now we have full-on proof just how perfect Danny's and Flack's heights are for each other. :D Verily, Danny can snuggle-wuggle into Flack's chest while Flack can easily wrap his arms around his kinka-poodle. And *ahem* as Top41 pointed out to me, their hips are well aligned indeed. :devil: :devil: :devil:
I absolutely love how Danny is the perfect height for Flack. It's like they were meant to be together.:devil:

And *ahem* as Top41 pointed out to me, their hips are well aligned indeed. :devil: :devil: :devil:
That just seals the deal for me that Danny and Flack are perfect for each other. Here's more proof.

Also, Carmine and Eddie have the prettiest smiles. :drool:Just look at them.

Somebody please tell me where exactly is Carmine's hand.:eek: I have my theories. Also, just look how close Carmine and Eddie are to each other.

It certainly seems like Carmine and Eddie have a lot of fun when they're on vacation together..Colorado last year anybody? No wonder Danny and Flack have such fun together on the show.

Also, Carmine and Eddie have the prettiest smiles. :drool:Just look at them.

Somebody please tell me where exactly is Carmine's hand.:eek: I have my theories. Also, just look how close Carmine and Eddie are to each other.

It certainly seems like Carmine and Eddie have a lot of fun when they're on vacation together..Colorado last year anybody? No wonder Danny and Flack have such fun together on the show.

There are many unanswered questions regarding the placement of hands in those pictures :devil:

The guys seem pretty close off work also, and I totally agree. That is why the dynamic of Danny/Flack is so nice and it works perfectly. And yes, how can anyone forget the last vacations the guys took last year? :D