Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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I've seen three different pics the last few weeks. The one with the chucks, the new one with the baby pic and the one where Carmine is in the nature (don't know how to describe it but i hope everyone knows which one i'm talking about)
Springmoon said:
I *LOVE* that pic of him. To be honest, I didn't really like the one of him and his mother that appeared in the Mother's Day issue of some magazine (I don't remember which) 'cause I thought he looked a little weird. This one is sooooo adorable.
I think this is the one you're talking about (from US Weekly)

I think I posted a small version of this pic before, but I just came across a larger one:
I love those pics. Seen them both before, but I could never get tired of seeing them again. I love the one with his mom because he got all his best features from her. Maybe it's my maternal instincts, but I like to see her beauty reflected in him. As for the baseball one, well, the man was just born to wear a baseball uniform. *cough*his ass in For Love of the Game*cough* :lol:
... am I the only one who has this incredible urge to pinch his cheeks and snorgle him like a baby would snorgle a puppy? Yes? No? :lol:
^^Hell no...you're not alone. I'd love to do that too.

And the adult Carmine...I could think of much more things to do with him. :devil:
Uh-oh, Kimmy. You're on dangerous territory there. I really don't think The Jackhammer is gonna like you messing around with his Kinka Poodle's manbuns :D :devil:
Those are great pics ThisIsMe! Love seeing pics of when he was younger.

Never seen "For Love of the Game" but it looks like I have some good stuff to look forward to. :D
Ya guys sure know his infamous "I'm lonely!" line by now, so I'll share with you a hilarious comment on the matter.

When I told some friends about it, their advice on the issue was as follows: "Carmine, my dear, if you want to meet women instead of having tons of men coming up to you ... go to the STRAIGHT bars, not the GAY ones."

:lol: :devil: ;)
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