Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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Dannyfangirl said:
I don't think I've seen that one? Is that an episode or a completely different thing he's in?

Oh and I have to know, is his Danny accent his real accent or does he exaggerate it? I know he's from NY but I didn't know if that was his accent

It's real. Sexy real. :D
My number one memory with "Wasted" is the "Are you good with a wrench?" line..... lol!
more pics...I'll view them when I'm back...I'll be out for two days without computer...i'm going for a retreat...school requirement...I'm going to miss posting here and...seing carmine's pic (although I have some of them in my phone...)
He looks really skinny and young in the pic. I'm glad he's grown up and filled out more - in more ways than one. :devil:
and another one, i can't remember if i posted this one already, who cares he's so hot!!!!


wait one more, this is the first time i see Carmine in a tie.

*swoon* That pic is amazing! That's one of my favorite pics feenx! He's SO handsome and has such a great body! Love that other pic with his tattoo in full view! :D
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