Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

okay gang, this is turning into a chat rather than a ship discussion. Can I ask that you avoid posting one-liners, flesh out your posts and try to make them more discursive. If you wish to have a discussion about unburying threads or starting up Round Robins or whatever, please take it to the PMs. Many thanks
okay heres a new discussion.

If Aiden wasn't killed, how do you think her and Lindsay would react to each other?
Hmm good question.. I think they'd get along okay but I could see Lindsay having some jealousy towards Aiden

It's been too long since I was in this thread..bad me :)
Me neither. If she wouldn't have died, I think they wouldn't have gotten along. They're just two totally different types, and I see jealousy coming too...
Second best ep...hmmm Night Mother maybe

Danny: You're such a girl
Aiden: *Head slap* Shut up.

And they were both sharing the same kit at the scene. I don't know why but I still find that endearing
Hmmm.... contrary to what Stella said in "Heroes" -- I think they won't like each other too much. Of course, they'll talk and work together but they won't be the best of friends.
Haven't been here for a while... I'm so bad at sticking with one ship for more than a week or two :rolleyes:

Anyway, I agree with what other people have said. I don't think Lindsey and Aiden would have been friends. They're very different people, and come from very different backgrounds. Also, I think that Lindsey would probably have been kinda jealous of Aiden seeing as people didn't exactly warm to her in the beginning as she was replacing Aiden.

That's not to say they wouldn't have got on (I can imagine them taking the piss out of Danny or Flack together) I just don't think that they'd be close or anything.
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Ok, well this thread has kinda died a bit, so I thought I'd have a go at reviving it!

Being shippers, I know that we all want to assume that outside of the lab Danny and Aiden spent all their time together. However, we all know that this is highly unlikely. So my question is, do you think they saw each other much out of work, and if you do, what sort of things do you think they got up to?