" Da Man " Frank Tripp

Re: Rex Linn/ Frank Tripp

zippy said:
*rotflmao* :lol: :lol: :lol: I was snooping around in the Emily thread and saw pics of the CSI:M team and in 'pic 4' Rex Linn was hilarious!!! He looked like he was looking down at Emily Procter's ahem...I couldn't stop laughing :lol:

I saw it :lol: But it IS a fab sight we have to admit :D If he really checked out what we think he checked out... who could blame him? ;)

Mmm I just tried to make some Frank icons... what do ya think?


I'm already making some more. I'll post them in my LiveJournal :D
Re: Rex Linn/ Frank Tripp

Yeah me too. I like the last one best although all three are good. Umm...but I like your banner even better :lol:

You're right togoholic :)lol: I usually like to shorten people's nickname when referring to them and I'm fighting the urge to call you togo!!). It IS a fab sight but I wonder when Emily saw that pic, what's she gonna think? :lol:
Re: Rex Linn/ Frank Tripp

Thanks sweetys :D My mom likes the second one best lol Need to make more screencaps ;)

Call me th or togo everyone :D That's better *g*

I think she was flattered... or maybe scared to death :lol: I love the fotos where he looks... earm... down... :lol: Awwwwww he is really cute :D

(thanks regarding my banner zip :D I just HAD to use that piccie! It's so adorable:D)
Re: Rex Linn/ Frank Tripp

Oooh goodie! A Frank thread! I love some of his lines which *ducks* might be better than some of the Speedleisms. *large tomato zips by head*

"What, are you stuck on stupid?"
"First a land mine and then my car - what's next?"
Re: Rex Linn/ Frank Tripp

Gotta love Frank :D I also made a few icons of / about him recently.


Re: Rex Linn/ Frank Tripp

Love the icons! I also like the one you're using. ;) It was interesting, to me, to read about Rex Linn's career path and how he came to be an actor. Talk about following one's dreams!
Re: Rex Linn/ Frank Tripp

Yeah!!! ***does a little happy dance*** The Frank thread is active again. :D I absolutely LOVE Frank/Rex, he has the most hilarious lines and he's such a smart ass. It just cracks me up. The H impression he did on the Early Show was so cute. Especially when he poked himself with the sunglasses trying to put them back on. :lol:

And Kit4na, your icons are awesome!!!

I'm watching Nothing to Lose right now on A & E (**sighs looking at old H**) and Frank just said his line, "Do I have stupid written all over my bald head ?!?! Too funny.
:lol: :lol:
Re: Rex Linn/ Frank Tripp

Thanks for bringing Frank back! He really makes the show interetsing and funny, I love his sarcasm and the character he brings. I don't remember the episode but Delko had to go dig through garbage in a cruise ship and he said 'Tripp, you wanna come?' and he said 'Bring Jessop, Dleko.' :lol: I love how he just sort of stands there watching everyone work. Goota love him!
Re: Rex Linn/ Frank Tripp

Wow, I never knew we had a Frank thread. But I'm really glad we do. Rex is great in the role and brings a dry humor to the show. Definitely makes up for the lack of Speedle these days.

Those icons are great, Kit. :)
Re: Rex Linn/ Frank Tripp

FRANK!! he's flippin awesome! he's just so straight to the point and doesn't take any BS. plus he's hilarious. Rex Linn is just a great actor. did anyone see the Eva LaRue b-day video? at the end Rex is trying to sing happy birthday and strip at the same and it is soooo freaking funny! and his H impression was hilarious too! and in another one of the early show interviews he was stalking behind David Caruso with his gun drawn...:lol: man, he cracks me up.
Re: Rex Linn/ Frank Tripp

Thanks for sharing those nice icons, kit4na. :D

Frank is just hilarious. I love him. He's humor makes the show better. :cool:

ilh214 I've seen the interview also, man, he's just funny! Btw, do you know where I can watch it also? (Eva's bday) TY in advance.

I forgot what ep. but when Frank called the guy Eminem, I just laughed so hard. With he's serious-looking face then he'll just crack up a word like that. It's funny.
Re: Rex Linn/ Frank Tripp

I think that episode was "Pro Per". Would also like to know the eva bday vid :p
Re: Rex Linn/ Frank Tripp

it was on youtube so i can't post the link but i'll look it up if anyone wants to PM me for it. its definately worth watching.

idk if its been posted before but he has a website. www.rexlinn.com its great, he even has recipes on it lol.

ETA: scratch that about the vid. it was saved to my favorites on youtube but now its gone so i'm assuming it was taken off...and i can't find it anywhere. sorry!