***CSI Vegas Fanfiction Challenge***

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This is pretty cool. Alrighty, now let's see if I can do this voting thing right. For het I liked LittleMissSnark and for the N/G, I gotta go with Iluvroadrunner. *giggles* Turnip Head :lol:.
Yay! I got back in time to vote!

For The Love fics, I think I'm going to vote for Iluvroadrunner , but it was a seriously close decision because I liked both fics for different reasons.

And, I'm abstaining from voting on Snickers, but I just want to say great job all the other writers! I read all the stories and really liked all of them.

Excellent job!! :D
okay guys i guess it's time to end up this challenge :) i just wanna thank everyone who takes a part of this challenge, writers or not, thank you very much ;)

for the writers: you all did an amazing job!!! especially those who wrote their first story, if i was the one voting , i would vote for all of you :D you all put a part of yourself on your stories and that's exactly why they all seem special in my eyes...Congratulations to the winners and congratulations to those who had participed, it was a great adventure ;) okay so now the winners :D



**clap** here is your price ILUVROADRUNNER :D hope you like it ;) :


LittleMissSnark her eis your price:

hope you like it too ;)

okay guys thanks for everything and if other members want to congratulate the winners, please do it ;)

I feel loved, now, guys, thanks for enjoying my story!

Great job everyone, and congrats Iluvroadrunner !

Heee....gotta love the babies.
LittleMissSnark, you are a true snickers fan who obviously had alot of writing experience. Congratulations! I'm... in awe. :)
actually Hestia i loved your story, i really did, ive read some of your ficlet and i think you have an undeniable talent, just keep writing
well why not? i'm thinking about a CSI NY challenge..A friend of mine (wooot Misery) made some beautiful challenge banners about CSI NY, i guess it will be fun to use them ;)
Anyone wanna propose a challenge?
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