***CSI Vegas Fanfiction Challenge***

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Eh, I can try :). I'm writing furiously anyway since I'm trying to get somewhere with my fan fic before I go away Sat. night for three weeks!!! :eek: I'll try, no promises though with packing and my fan fic, I'm dedicated. And I'm not too experianced with Snickers, or stories at all! :lol: But you never know what you're good at til you try it right?
Hey, just wondering...will we get to read the other entries when the challenge is over? I'm about half way done!

Another question...do we get another challenge on the 25th??
okay to answer your first question sweetie :D of course ! everyone will be able to read the stories, cause we need votes lol

well when this one will be over , why not? but of course the pairing will change, maybe GSR or sandle, dunno yet

I know it's really late into the deadline, but I might do the nick/greg one! if I have it done in time I'll send it to you. Just paste it into a PM and send it to you? If it's too late just tell me...
it won't be too late for me :D actually i'm GLAD someone finally choose the nick/greg pairing , if you are the only one, you will be the slash winner :D
exactly! do whatever you want i'm sure it will be nice ;) oh and happy bday!! (actually i wished it to you on the "bday "thread :D)
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