***CSI Vegas Fanfiction Challenge***

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CSI Level Three
Hello guys!!!! i came here with a new challenge idea, i hope a lot of people will participate , especially those who had never wrote a story but would love to try ;) everybody can join the challenge :D every month, two pairings will be choose (a slash one and a male/female one), i will post a synopsis and you people will have to wrote a story about that, then you will Pm your stories , i will upload them and post the link; the others members will be able to read them and pick up the best one, and the winner will have a special award banner :D
here are the rules:

- the story has to be a one shot (long story or not)

- it can be a firendship or a romance, either way it's fine, just keep in mind that the two characters has to be the main characters of your story

- if you join the challenge and choose the slash pairing you can not write another story for the male/female pairing and vice versa

- of course the story has to be PG13 :lol: minors :rolleyes:

if you have any questions , feel free to post them here, i will answer you ;) from now i just wanna know how much persons will join THAT challenge:

PAIRINGS : Nick/Sara OR Nick/Greg
SYNOPSIS : one of them find a basket in front of their doors: there is a baby and a note "please take care of her(him)"

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lol you have a month to write it :D

i really hope everyone will join this challenge , it will be nice to read new stories , don't be ashamed to post a story it can be good ;)


ps: thanks to LSB for letting me do it :D
great :D let's just say until the 25th of June, i will adjust that date then but for now the deadline is 25th June, glad you join the challenge ;)

Im sure your story will be great ;)

Come on people !!!
GSRFan4Life said:
Sorry, no matter how hard I try I just cant write Snickers. I have been and always will be GSR.

you know you can be GSR and write a nice story about nick/sara friendship, it's not a problem at all if you can catch the friendship vibes that's okay
sissi59100 said:
GSRFan4Life said:
Sorry, no matter how hard I try I just cant write Snickers. I have been and always will be GSR.

you know you can be GSR and write a nice story about nick/sara friendship, it's not a problem at all if you can catch the friendship vibes that's okay

I agree - I can even write snicker fics! lol. I'm a diehard GSR but I can write for all ships (xcept Grillows lol). I'm best at GSR but I like to write Snickers ones too - anyone read To Hell With My Pride?! lol

I think I'll take up this challenge, sounds cool.

im sure i will ;) when you give all your time and your energy on a story, it can't be anything but good ;)

that's why i hope more people will join that challenge , and give us their best stories :)
My best story? How intimidating! But I am interested. So I'll try to write a whole fic! *gasp!* Nah, I think I can do it. :)
great!!! im glad you join that challenge, it could be nic for you and for the others ;)

come on people, ive only three or four entries, that's not enough!!!!!!
I'm writing, I'm writing. Keep your shirt on.

I just need to finish it, and I have little problems with that. But, don't worry, I'll call my muse and finish it in no time!
awwwwwwwwwww great!!!!!!!! two more entries, that sounds good guys :D CalleighDuCaine i'm sure it's gonna be great ;) same for Misery :D

6 entries now :D nobody for a nick/greg fic? :lol: if this slash isn't used i can maybe propose something else...just tell me
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