CSI Terminology?



What's the abbreviation/name for the fingerprint database system? I know it's not CODIS, that's DNA but I can't for the life of me remember what it is.
about AFIS, does anybody know in which country it's used except the USA? I know candada use it ( or I think..) and I think a few countries have access to it. Any ideas?
From: NEC Corporation of America

AFIS: Worldwide Deployment
More than 65 percent of the world's fingerprints are stored on NEC's AFIS, helping solve more crimes from latent prints than all other systems combined.

NEC's AFIS is currently in use in the following countries:
Country Number of Installations
Japan 49
North America 37
China 5
Taiwan 4
Spain 3
Macau 2
Singapore 2
Argentina 1
Chile 1
El Salvador 1
Grenada 1
Indonesia 1
Namibia 1
New Zealand 1
Philippines 1
South Africa 1
Thailand 1
Turkey 1
As far as I know, the software or programme used for a fingerprint index might be the same as USA's, but normally a forensic laboratory would re-name their database to suit their coutry.

At least that's what I know.
That list was from one manufacturer. Other software providers might have sold their systems to the UK and elsewhere.
but what about the database. i know some countries share it with others (like in the EU, but that's a bit unusual). I'm pretty sure USA share it with Canada, I must have read it somewhere, but anywhere else that comes to your mind?