'CSI' Takes Emmy Campaign To The Streets

CSI Files

In an attempt to get Emmy voter's attention to focus on CSI, CBS recently pulled a killer stunt outside the Writer's Guild's headquarters.

The network set up a fake crime scene outside the building, complete with body bags, coroner vans, and even <font color=yellow>Gary Dourdan</font> (Warrick Brown) look-alikes. It was an attempt to get Emmy voters to consider giving CSI a nomination for its 6th season.

"We feel this show is Emmy-worthy, but because it's a procedural it tends to get overlooked," said CBS Paramount Network TV PR exec <font color=yellow>Lauri Metrose</font>. "We're trying to break the mold from traditional Emmy campaigning."

CSI isn't the only show doing creative things to sway the Emmy vote. Other shows, such as The Office, have taken campaigning online, giving Emmy voters the chance to download episodes of the show for free. With every passing year, it seems Emmy campaigning gets more and more fierce.

CSI is simply doing what it does best. "We asked, how do we find something that's going to attract attention from people who vote that's in the spirit of CSI," said Metrose's partner <font color=yellow>Phil Gonzales</font>. "We came up with this idea of a coroner's van and a team of CSI people moving bodies and staging vignettes in front of key locations."

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How can three shows consistently in the top 20 be ignored like this by the Emmy committee. Where can we write to express our outrage?
:lol: Oh God bless their souls.

That is the single-handed best thing I've heard in a while. Kudos to them. They really do deserve an Emmy. Keep it up! You show them!
Yeah, A Bullet Runs Trough it deserves an Emmy. But unlike the rest of the seasons, it wasn't a killer season, as they said. But I love the idea of a crime scene :)
coolcatz said:
ah mention gary and iwantboromir comes out and i get to see her smokin' avi.

Yummy!!!!! No kidding! Okay so I'm going say him name again!

Gary Dourdan
Gary Dourdan
Gary Douran

which means she has to post three times, although the mods might not like the spammim, so once more is good enough!
lol. I'm guessing I would get in trouble if I changed my avi?

Back on track......does anyone actually think this stunt will work? I don't. Awards are just a bunch of whooey. I've pretty much quit watching for the simple fact that I spend the whole time yelling about the winners.
Don't change the avie..

As for the question. It's really hard to say because the Emmys' are all about angst and emotion and intense drama.

CSI is a procedural that tends to stick to the script, and Naren Shankar did say, I am paraphrasing, that procedurals tend not to do so well.

Which is kind of ashame because I'm sure that the CSI actors have to work to grasp the lingo of the science world and make it come across to the audience that they actually know what they are doing.

Except for a few shows, CSI had a pretty drab season six. Some potential storylines such as Nick's kidnapping were abbreviated both by the writers and George Eads himself (rumour has it), so I'd be surprised if they were nominated.

Although some episodes were pretty darn good such as a "Bullet Runs Through It" and "Gum Drops".

Daddy's Little Girl tanked, but George did a pretty good job with showing a lot of emotion with subtleness when he heard the tape for the first time since his kidnapping.

Anyways, who knows, maybe the Emmy people will take pity on CSI and nominate. Lead the donkey to the carrot and pull it away at the last minute like the always do.