CSI Site

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Is there any website about CSI in real life ? What do need to apply for a job ? Or something like this
Bobby said:
Is there any website about CSI in real life ? What do need to apply for a job ? Or something like this

I'm sure there are a few. I am in the processes of starting one specifically to answer questions about "real CSI". I encourage you to drop by, register, and post any questions you might have.
I'm not a mod, but should this be in the websites section?

In answer to your question - there's the AAFS which is the American Academy of Forensic Science. If you type it in on google it's the first link. Once on the homepage, there's various stuff, but there's a line of tabs at the top just above the logo. If you hover over the one that says "AAFS" and then choose the last one in the lit: "Sections" there's all information (including jobs) on different areas of forensic.

Hope that helped :D


ETA: Here's the link, it's probably easier:
AAFS Website
And yeah, your website's great forensics guy :D
This forum relates only to the CSI shows, not real life CSI stuff and because of that I'm looking this thread. Plus, it looks like your question was answered and you'll have better luck asking in the forensic science forum :).

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