CSI NY - The Thing About Heroes - MP3 Player?


I know this is a strange question, but can anyone identify the type of MP3 player seen in this episode? Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks!
That does seem close to what was in the show.. I noticed the model shown in the close-ups revealed an "OK" button in the middle of navigation interface... Never seen one that has that..
It kind of reminds me of the LG Chocolate phone. Maybe they have an MP3 player version of that design? :confused: I have no idea what model it is too.
Maybe they used a generic 'fake' MP3 player to keep from using a real brand as a weapon...
You've got a point there, Fay. ;) I don't think brands like Apple and whatever will be too happy if their product was used as a deadly weapon to hijack a subway train... :lol: