CSI: NY Picture Thread #4: Ready for Your Close Up?

Mac is not amused by dis PEZ dispenser - even if the X-Factor thinks dis is VERY IMPORTANT EVIDENCE. :p
does that mean they have started filming again???? last time I heard. They still had the actors strike. I am really behind the times. :)

Great pictures by the way. :)

There never was an actors' strike, just the threat of one. As of now, SAG doesn't have a deal, but there's no way they'll strike because they'll never get 75% of their membership to vote for a strike. So essentially, it's a stalemate right now.[/quote]

Thank you
About that PEZ dispenser:

My sister said that people transport drugs in PEZ dispensers - like, if the pills are small enough they can stick them in there. So maybe that's what's going on...

I don't want to know how my 14-year-old sister knows this. I'm going to assume she learned it in school when they were studying drugs.

Thanks for the pictures, Alex. I'm really looking forward to 5x04. :)

This picture is particularly interesting to me. As mentioned in the original spoiler post there is perhaps a potentially humourous exchange between Flack and Lindsay in this episode. And I'm thinking that this picture might be from that scene...
Thanks for the pictures. :)

Yeah, that was might first thought, too, that it's from that scene. It should be interesting.