CSI:NY- One Shot...Halloween Trick or Treat


Head of the Graveyard Shift
Halloween Trick or Treat

A new CSI:NY one shot.

Written by MacsLovlyAngl

I do not own these characters. Just the story

The Cemetary...Halloween Night

They got the call out. As the team arrived at the Cemetery, Danny laughed.

"What's so funny Messer?"

"It's Halloween night, that's what is so funny. I mean it's witching hour and we're walking through a God damn Cemetery."

"Ohhh...is little Messer scared of the Boogey man?"

"Screw you Flack. There's no such thing as the walking dead."

"Sure there is Danno. Think about it. All Hallows eve is the one night, the dead get to walk the earth.

"Alright you two. Knock it off. Where the are we supposed to meet Mac and Stella?"

"See the flashlights there? That's where they are."

Walking towards the light. Lindsay was feeling a little spooked herself.

"Damn Lindsay. You're not freaked, are you?"

"Hmm..no. Of course not. Let's go."

"It's about time you three got here."

"Sorry Mac. Lindsay was scared."

Mac raised his eyebrows.

"Don't believe him Mac. Danny's the one afraid of ghosts. So what have you found Mac?"

"An open grave. Body missing. We are just waiting on the groundskeeper, to find out who rested here."

"Umm..not to be the smart ass but....wouldn't be it be easier to look at the stone?"

"Sure Danny. Why don't you go look for it."

"You're kidding. They took the stone too?"

"They took everything. Including the coffin."

"Listen....you here that???"

"Here what Danny?"

"Come on Stel. You tellin me you don't hear that sound?"

"I don't hear anything Danny. Would you stop."

As Mac looked down the path he seen the groundskeeper.

"Are you Det.Taylor?"

"I am. You have a name to go with this plot?"

"I do. Mrs.Elvira Romilla."

Danny laughed....

"Hah...Elvira???? As in Mistress of the Dark??"

"Messer. Shut up."

"What??? Come on. Tell me you weren't thinking it yourself Don."

Just as Don was about to respond, Adam came running down the path.

"Damn...I mean Mac. I found you. Next time wait for me. You know how many bodies are in this Cemetery?"

"Adam, you look like you seen a ghost."

"Umm..hmm..To be honest Mac. I think I found your missing corpse."


"Just up the darkened path there."

"Okay. Danny, Lindsay. You stay here. Don and Stella come with me."

"Whoa...come on Mac. You can't want to seperate us. Mac!!!!"

"Relax Danny. Trust me, there is no such thing as the walking dead."

Once they left, Danny looked around nervously.

"Linds....what do you think?"

"I don't think anything Danny. There's nothing here."

Just as Danny was about to answer, he heard the sound of branches snapping.

"You hear that!!!"

Lindsay did, but she wasn't about to let Danny put thoughts in her head.

"Hear what??"

"Come on Linds. Don't play dumb. Let's go check it out."

Walking away from the grave, they headed towards the sound.


"She's right here.....ummm..she was right here Mac. I swear."

Mac was wondering if someone was playing tricks on his team.

"Listen. This isn't funny. Who called it in?"

"I did Mac. Dispatch recieved a call from a Mina Draculie. She said she was visiting her husbands grave, when she noticed the empty grave.

"Mina?? Draculie??? Come on Flack. Think about it."

"About what Stel? That's who called it in."

"Okay. Don't you watch horror movies?"

"Sometimes, why??"

"Well....Mina was the name of Dracula's lover. From Bram Stoker's. Think about the person who called this in."

"You have got to be kidding me? We've been fooled??"

Everyone was trying not to laugh.

"Let's go get Danny and Lindsay."

Back at the grave..

"I told you there was nothing out there Danny."

"I'm telling you Linds, I heard it."

When they got back to the open grave they seen a bloody Corpse inside.

"What the hell??? Mac!!!!"

"Now what did those two do?"

Running over, Mac seen them with their flashlights over the empty grave.

"What's the yelling about?"


Looking into the grave, they seen the fresh body.

"I thought I told you two to watch the grave."

"I'm sorry Mac. We heard something, and went to check it out. When we got back...BOOM. The body was here."

Sheldon jumped into the grave.

"Mac...help me lift her."

As they lifted the body out of the grave. They noticed it was still warm.

"This body is fresh Mac. What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know Sheldon. None of this is making sense. What's the cause of death?"

"Her throats been slit. Right through the jugular."

"Alright. Whoever did this must still be here. Danny, you and Don go North, Lindsay, Adam you seach the South side. Stella and I will check East. Sheldon, you and the Officer stay with this body, and don't leave it. Understood?"

"Hey Don. You hear that?"

"Would you just stop messing around Danno."

Grabbing Don's arms he said....

"Just listen man."

As they listened, Don heard it too.

"What the hell is that?"

"I don't know man. It don't sound human, that's for sure."

Looking around, they could see shadows caused by the moonlight. Then as they turned, they seen the Zombies coming towards them.

"Shit!!! What the hell is this? Where the hell is the Camera crew?"

"Would you stop pulling on me. It's just some kids fooling around. NYPD freeze. I said freeze."

Still coming towards them, Don pulled out his gun.

"One last time FREEZE."

When they got close enough, Don could see their ghoulish faces.

"Chirst Danno. Either that's some damn good make-up, or these are God damn real."

"I told you man. I told you. Let's go."

Running back the other way, they came right back to the grave where they found Mac, Stella, Adam, Lindsay and Sheldon, dead with their throats slit.

"Auuuuuuuuuuugh....no freakin way man. They're dead. What the hell is going on. What are we going to do?"

"Never mind that Danno. We're surrounded."

Seeing the ghouls coming closer towards them, Don pulled out his gun and aimed.

"What the hell you doing man? That ain't no real gun Don. It's full of blanks, and I'm thinking this wasn't in the script. Where the hell did the crew go?"

Looking over at Danny, he felt something grabbed his leg, and pull him into the open grave. Danny was freaking. He couldn't move. His body was trembling.

"Shit man. This can't be real."

Turning to face the grave, he seen Don lying in it face down. Then he felt the pull on his leg.

"Jesus. No way...help!!! Someone....."

"Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesser.......we've been waiting for you. We've been waiting to tell you......

"Let me go...let me go. Christ, someone heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp."

They were grabbing at him, pulling at his coat, his pants, dragging him on top of Mac and Sheldons bloody corpse. Leaving him no means of escape. Then he heard.....

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Carmine....Happy Halloween.

Carmine was still in shock as everyone got up laughing.

"A trick??? This was a damn trick. For Christ sakes man, not funny."

"Oh come on pal. It was great. You should have seen your face. Robert did you get everything set up?"

"I did Eddie. Key the music guys, and bring out the food."

Gary walked up to Carmine, and felt him shivering.

"You okay Carmine?"

"Yeah Gary. Yeah. That was mean. Christ you all had me fooled. Next year could you guys plan on scaring someone else?"

Laughing the crew, the ghouls, and the CSI:NY team had one hell of a party.

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:lol: Reminds me of that show "Tvs bloopers and practical jokes" where stars played tricks on each other all the time. :lol:
Happy Halloween~!! Even though it's.. :p Hmm..hmm, they are all scaring each other. They should bring some music there. Arise the dead. :lol::lol::lol: *Spoookkkkyyyy*. Hmm.. Is it Vampire or Dracula? :D Even took the coffin and the stone.. So strong~! I wonder they took the stone for what. :lol::lol: *Keep on reading* Poor Adam.. Left out. :lol: Cute Danny. Maybe Bats that go knock the branches then produce the sound:lol:. Most horror movie make people scared because of the sound.. Just like a cracking door sound that makes me jump always.. :lol: ROFLMAO! Draculie.. Get fooled.. Who's that dare person? *Trying to figure out* BOOM! Danny..Danny.. Brrrrr(Shivering).. *AH!!!* Everyones gone and dead! Creepyyyy! Still saying their "on screen" name. I could picture Don and Danny screaming for their lives for help.

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Carmine....Happy Halloween."

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I can't stop myself from laughing!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I'm glad that Carmine didn't take it seriously. :) Poor him.. How I wish I could see his face when he was calling for help. Maybe he would even cry. :adore::adore:. I got tricked by this story too. I thought they were all really dead. :lol::lol::lol:

Lindaaaaaaa... Thank you for this Halloween One SHOT. I love it. It was brilliant and amazing. Especially when I read halfway, I got tons of questions in my head and it was all answered in the end. :D It was great to know that they are having funs when the shooting is in progress. Thank you sooo much, Linda~!! *Hugs*