CSI: NY Mac Sunglasses in Season 2: Epi "Zoo York" - help



Hey all,

First post! I have done a search and I am hoping for some assistance on looking for some merchandise, specifically Mac's (Gary Senise's) red lens sunglasses from the epiode "Zoo York." I cant find a screencapture for it. Hopefully if anyone has a screencap they could post it up?

I know you can get Grissom and Horatio sunglasses....maybe we should have a one threader dedicated just to sunglasses..I don't know, I'm new to this kinda stuff.

Anyone know of the make / model or seen anything similar?

Any help is appreciated.

Re: CSI: NY Mac Sunglasses in Season 2: Epi "Zoo York" - hel

Thanks for that!

Appreciate it... seems like the Taylor Grils get everywhere!

Anyone have any ideas of where these sunglasses came from then? I'm hoping that I can get a fan club similar.... "Scoobs Girls"...it has a nice ring to it I think...Just kidding...

Any help would be great.
Re: CSI: NY Mac Sunglasses in Season 2: Epi "Zoo York" - hel


Just wondering if there were any upadtes about this from the moderators?



Re: CSI: NY Mac Sunglasses in Season 2: Epi "Zoo York" - hel

I've had a search and have so far come up with nothing. The only idea I had was to maybe write to the production company. The address is:

Jerry Bruckheimer Television/CBS Productions in assoc. w/ Alliance Atlantis
4024 Radford Avenue
Bldg 7, 2nd Floor
Studio City, CA 91604

Might be worth a try. :)