CSI:NY FanFic Challenge! *New Deadline: August 28 th*

Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge!

Well miss i suggest we wait until you are back :D it will be better for everybody, you and the writers, okay? if you want to i will edit your post ;)

Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge!

okie dokes. go ahead. the earliest i'll be able to access the internet is probably the 28th. so the deadline change would be best for 28th. :D
Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge!

Emily, I will desperatly try to get mine in, but it's starting to look like I might not be able too. Sorry!
Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge!

even with the deadline change? it was changed to the 28th.

if you still can't, it's ok, but it has been changed.
Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge!

I'm about halfway through mine. Although I'm not sure if I'm too happy about it, so I might change my direction lol. I was planning on writing more this morning (Because I've been up since 6am and have no reason why) but my muse seems to be in icons right now lol.
Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge!

awesome. and i definitely know all the feelings listed above.

(including being up since an ungodly hour of the morning. my body woke me up at 3 AM once and i wouldn't go back to sleep. it was awful.)

just PM it to me when you're done.
Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge!

Ah! My muse is totally on the fritz and it's giving me a killer migrane trying to write with out her. Get things written, but they're no good. I'll try and get one up! Promise!
Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge!

I'm feeling the cooperation already, I'll run off and finish it tonight! Just wait Emily, I'll Pm it to you in a couple days!
Missy's Muse: Ouch!!! *hits Emily*
Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge!

hey, I just sent you the story, its really long, like 6 pages of Microsoft word. When my muse starts working, it really starts working! hope to here from you soon!
Re: CSI:NY FanFic Challenge!

Can I possibly write one? It won't take me long, knowing me, 'cause I love to write.

Can I just put the names of the food on pieces of paper into a bag and pull them out? 'Cause i don't think anyone in my family has those foods.

I need something to do before I go back to school on Monday, anyways.