*running once again from pitchfork-wielding readers screaming "help, help, I'm being repressed"* All right, here it is
Title: A Little Somethin’-Somethin’, chapter 4
“You must be Vivian,” Danny said to the woman holding him at gunpoint.
“Stand up,” she said. “Hand me that cellphone,” she demanded. He handed it to her without a word. “Yours too,” she said. He breated a heavy sigh and handed her his phone. “Move over there, against the wall.” He did as she told him. He noticed she was dressed in a CSI jacket and ballcap.
“You’re in uniform. You a trainee?” he asked.
“Uniform’s easy enough to pick up online,” she replied.
“The second time you called me, you called me Danny. How did you know my name when I didn’t identify myself?” Danny asked.
“Not too bright, is he?” Vivian sneered. “Why do you think I’m wearing this uniform? I was there at the crime scene, genius. How do you think I managed to nab Cooper’s cellphone before one of you guys got it?”
“But you didn’t get Dwayne Gessner’s. Or Will Graham’s until now,” Danny smirked.
“I couldn’t be two places at once. I figured I’d come back here, grab Graham’s phone and take my chances. But now that you’re here, I can use you as leverage to get Gessner’s phone, and any other evidence you’ve got against me,” she said, moving closer to him.
“Why did you call me in the first place? I didn’t work your sister’s case, that was Stella and...” Danny started.
“Lindsay Monroe, or ‘Montana’ as you call her,” Vivian interrupted. “Lindsay actually gave me the idea, although I didn’t know it was Lindsay at the time until now. I figured maybe I’d just kill off the men who led my sister to her death and be done with it. But once I overheard about your little mysterious phone call,” she said, running her fingers across his face and neck seductively, ”I thought I’d have a little fun. My sister’s cat-in-your-garden routine I figured wouldn’t work on Stella or Lindsay, but it would work on someone close to them,” she said, reaching inside Danny’s shirt, sliding her fingers over his chest, making him squirm. “Someone I could manipulate–like a cat playing with a mouse.”
Danny grabbed her wrist. “Get your bloody hands off of me,” he seethed.
She pointed the gun under his chin. “You like it rough, huh? I don’t think you’re tough enough to stand against a gun,” she smiled, pressing herself against him. She pulled out his cellphone. “Call Stella. Tell her to bring all the evidence with her and meet me here, or you’re dead.”
“No need, Danny, I’m right here,” Stella said. Danny looked and there was Stella and Flack, pointing their guns at Vivian.
“Drop your weapon and release Detective Messer, now,” Flack said emphatically. Vivian defiantly stood with her gun pressed under Danny’s chin.
“I could blow his head off right now!” Vivian shouted.
“You don’t wanna do that, Viv. Just let him go. He’s done nothing to hurt you,” Flack said, moving closer.
“He’s no different than those men Lillian was with. They’re all the same. Turned on by a woman they don’t even know, haven’t even seen.” She thought for a moment. “Their brains aren’t in their heads, they’re somewhere else, aren’t they?” she asked Danny menacingly, moving the gun away from his chin and aiming it between his legs. Danny pushed back against the wall but couldn’t move.
“Flack, do something. She’s gonna hurt me somethin’ bad, here,” Danny gasped.
“We won’t let that happen, Danno,” he said. “Miss, put the gun on the floor now. You’re outnumbered here. Do as I say,” Flack said.
He and Stella edged closer to where Vivian held Danny pinned against the wall. Danny shut his eyes tight as he saw Flack reach for Vivian’s arm, the arm that held the gun. Only when he felt her being dragged away from him did he open his eyes and slide down the wall to the floor, burying his head in his hands. Stella stooped down next to him and put her hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him. “You’re okay now, we’ve got her,” she said reassuringly.
Danny lifted his head. “Yeah,” he said. “That was close, wasn’t it?” he said, smiling shakily.
Flack came over with Danny’s gun and cellphone. “Here, you’ll be wanting these back,” he said. “You okay, Messer?”
“Yeah, thanks to you guys,” Danny said. “Thankfully you showed up when you did.”
“Thankfully you had that trace put on your phone,” Flack said. “We knew the first call was Lindsay, because she had called Stella earlier. When the second call came in we knew it was the killer. It wasn’t long enough for a trace, but we knew you were here so we figured we’d come by and make sure you were safe.”
“Well, I’m glad you did, ‘cause if you hadn’t I’d either be dead, or singing soprano,” he smiled. Stella and Flack laughed.
“Let’s get you outta here,” Stella said.
“I’m starvin’. How ‘bout we head over to Ray’s for a pizza–my treat,” Flack said.
“Ray’s sound real good right now,” Danny said. Flack clapped him on the shoulder and Stella wrapped her arm supportively around her partner’s waist as they headed out.